Chapter 2: Keeping Up Appearances

Start from the beginning

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By the time Neal, Richard, and Travis arrived at the designated room in the basement of the student center, Angela was already passing out instructions. The space was sorted into sections with signs proclaiming the various specialties. Neal saw Sara talking to Keiko and the other dancers.

Aidan was in the science section and waved them over.

"Has Angela given you your assignment?" Neal asked.

"I'm trying to keep a low profile," Aidan muttered, casting a furtive glance over his shoulder. He was safe for the moment as Angela had gone over to speak with the dancers. "I'll participate in the battle and that's it. What are your assignments?"

"Neal and I will be wandering minstrels," Richard said. "Strumming a guitar sounded like the least amount of work."

"I wish I could join you," Aidan said wistfully. "But I can't stroll around a Renaissance festival with a synthesizer strapped to my neck."

"You can hang out with me," Travis offered. "The physics and astronomy departments are collaborating on the science tent. We'll have exhibits on Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Da Vinci."

"Will you include any armillary spheres?" a familiar alto voice asked. Neal turned around to see Diana and Christie approaching them. Renaissance astronomy was featured in the stories Diana was writing. Travis, as her technical advisor, had given himself a crash course on the subject.

"Of course," Travis assured her. "The astronomy department has a collection of antique instruments. We'll bring along a couple of examples and display photos of the others."

"Angela signed me up to dance," Diana said, "but I'm going to switch. After the battle, some of the larpers will hold demonstrations of Renaissance fighting techniques. We'll have a variety of weapons including crossbows, staffs, war hammers, and swords."

"You're speaking my language," Aidan declared, his face lighting up. "I'll help with the swords." He and Diana took off shortly afterward to join the larpers in another room. Richard and Travis drifted off to speak with Angela.

"Do you have an assignment?" Neal asked Christie.

"Travis suggested I help out in the Renaissance medical tent. The pre-med students are preparing graphics on surgery during the period. It may be one of the most popular exhibits." Christie paused to chuckle. "The kids will think we're staging an early Halloween horror show." She added in a lower tone, "Any additional symptoms I should be aware of?"

Neal shook his head. In the din of excited chatter, no one was paying attention to their conversation. "No new ones, but the old ones are becoming more intense." He described his night of painting with the Marquesa.

She winced sympathetically. "I can see my recommendation for you to get more rest will be even more of a challenge. I don't advise sleep meds, given your other symptoms. The side effects could cause issues."

"No drugs," Neal agreed firmly. "I don't want to risk it."

"Have you spoken with Peter about the test results?"

"Not yet. I didn't want to put a damper on his weekend. Tomorrow will be soon enough."

"I understand, but he needs to be told."

That was the downside of having Diana's partner as his doctor. If he didn't comply, Diana would be on his case too, and he already had enough misery in his life.

"I met Chloe last week when Diana dragged me to her kung fu practice," Christie said. "I don't usually get up that early on a Saturday morning unless I'm on call. Chloe and I talked afterward about your case."

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