chapter two

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The next morning was brisk, and your walk to the medbay was spent fighting against the wind and pulling your jacket tighter around your shivering figure. You swore you had hung your brown jacket up on the hanger of your closet, but when you went to grab it, it was gone. You were stuck with your more lightweight grey windbreaker.

Scanning into the Temple was a hassle again today, shoving your way past people trying to catch a glimpse or hear any news from the returning forces. There were more ships in the atmosphere today, no doubt the 501st and 212th legions coming back as well. The medbay would be busy today.

The halls of the Temple were no better than the outside this time, swarming with reporters and Senators and Jedi. You saw a few familiar faces— Mace Windu, Senator Organa, even Chancellor Palpatine flanked by a hoard of private guards. You quickly made your way past it all, finding it far too early for so much commotion.

You had almost made it to the end of the hall when you caught sight of a tall head of curly hair among the crowd. It was the unmistakable burnt-honey of Anakin's hair, and when the burly reporter moved out of the way, you saw him clad in his leather boots, black tabards, and the matching glove on his right arm.

You slowed down and took a moment to admire him, as you didn't get the chance to last night. He looked striking, as always, the blue of his eyes like sea glass against the early morning light drifting in through the window. His hair looked a little darker, thicker, and longer as it curled over his forehead in a left-leaning swoop. His skin, as always, a perfect golden tan. There were rumors that he was born from the Force, which you had to give it credit. Whatever 'The Force' was, it definitely understood the assignment.

You moved forward to say hi, before realizing that he was talking to someone. Even more pressing, you saw the familiar face of your politician friends.

"Padmè, Sabè," you smiled as they approached. You were genuinely happy to see them, still not completely used to feeling so attached to people after everything on Noxella. But the young women matched your energy, and Padmè even drew you in for a quick hug.

"You on your way to the medbay?" She asked, hands lingering on your arms. You tried not to step out of them, not wanting to offend her, but you were always a little uncomfortable with physical touch.

"Yup, trying to head over, at least."

"Oh, I know— it's swarming with reporters. I can get you an escort, if you need," she offered sweetly.

"That's okay, I'm good with my elbows."

The beautiful Senator caught eyes with someone behind your shoulder, and excused herself to go talk to them. You turned back to Sabè.

"It looks like you have a busy day ahead of you."

"Yeah, can't wait," she groaned, eyes narrowing at the people closing in on you. "The weekend needs to come faster."

"True. I'm so excited."

"Make sure to get stuff for martini's?"

"Obviously," you grinned. She bid you goodbye, but you grabbed her elbow before she could leave. "Hey, you-know-who is here. 3 o'clock. Just make sure you steer Padmè clear of him."

Sabè's eyes followed yours, and she nodded gratefully.
"Will do."

With that, you were back to shoving your way through the crowds of people. By the time you got to the medbay, you were huffing and puffing as you pulled the zipper of your windbreaker down. Rico nodded at you as you punched in, and you immediately got to work with the clones in the waiting room.

You saw many familiar faces today, and although they weren't here for the best reasons, it felt oddly like a holiday. Rex saw you first, bearing a new scar on his chest that had been stitched up by a field medic. You checked it, cleaned it, and rebandaged it as he filled you in on all the places they had gone and all the battles they fought in. Next was Fives with a dislocated shoulder, who never failed to make you laugh even when he was screaming in pain as you reset his shoulder. He stayed and held Jesse's hand teasingly as you stitched his head wound before having to kick him out when he almost passed out from all the blood. Even commander Cody made an appearance, and you had to test him for a concussion that he definitely had.

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