That's Gonna leave a... Stain

Start from the beginning

After a while of finding nothing, explosions start to go off around the city as the ground shakes and people start to panic.  "Kitsune, you help the people over there, I'll get the ones over here" Mic says pointing to a crowd of people down the street.  "On it" Izuku says as he takes off down the road.  "Everything will be all right everyone.  Please just stay calm and let me escort you to the nearest shelter" Izuku says as he sees a shelter being set up two intersections down.  on the way there however, they are stopped by a Nomu.  This one unlike the one at the USJ is gray and skinny but has sharp claws and is fast.  Summoning a guitar and amp Izuku plays a cord and traps the Nomu in a bubble of soundwaves.  "Go! I'll hold it off while you get there." Izuku yells to the people as they start panicking and running to the shelter.  On the way a little girl is knocked over and due to the crowd, the mother isn't able to get to her.  

"Mommy!" The small girl yells while crying.  The Nomu breaks free of the soundwaves and hearing the girl lunges for her.  Right before the girl is attacked however There is a loud *thunk* noise. Opening her eyes, she sees Izuku standing there using his guitar to block the attack.  "Hey it's okay now.  I won't let the scary monster get you" Izuku says smiling over his shoulder to the little girl.  "Thank you so much" The mother says as she now picks her daughter up and starts to run.  Other heroes soon show up along with Present Mic who has a huge smile on his face.  "Nice work out there kiddo, that's what I like to see" he says patting his student on the back.

They quickly make it to another area before Izuku's ears twitch as they pass an alley way.  Focusing in on the noise he heard he concentrates hard since there is loud noise all around and he hears a few people down the alley.  One of the voices sounds very familiar but due to the sound of the city in chaos he can't quite place it.  Noticing he has lost track of Present Mic he turns back to the alley and starts running down it at fast speeds.  'Hey Zenko, might need you here buddy' Izuku thinks as he summons his fox friend in human form.  

The hero killer stain can be seen standing over Iida who is on the ground with a sword in his shoulder.  "You're exactly what's wrong with this hero society.  You see a fellow so called hero injured and instead of trying to help him you come after me with the eyes of a killer for what?" Stain asks they boy as he removes his sword with a sickening squelch noise.  

"You! You hurt my brother.  He was nothing but good and you took away his purpose in life" Iida says with venom in his voice.  "I recognize you know, You're Ingeniums brother.  I see so you wish to kill me as revenge for that fake" Stain says crouching down making eye contact with the boy.  "He was not a fake-" Iida screams but is cut off by footsteps ringing through the alley.  They both turn in time to see Izuku and Zenko running towards them at extreme speeds.  Izuku punches stain in the jaw sending him tumbling back before standing in front of Iida protectively.  "Zen, go check on the other hero, I'll make sure Iida is safe" Izuku instructs.  "He's alive just unconscious" Zen reports getting a nod from Izuku. 

"I recognize you, you're Kitsune.  You see this, kid? this is what you should have done.  Kitsune here is doing the right thing.  He unlike you is putting others first not just letting petty rage drive him" Stain says addressing Iida.  "Hey! I'm not going to let you do anything to them! Zen stay where you are and protect him" Izuku says while he sends his location to the group chat.  Before he could send anything else he gets interrupted by Stain pulling out a knife while laughing.  "I like you! You're a real hero. so, show me hero, show me you aren't all talk" Stain says throwing the knife at Izuku.  Blocking it with his guitar Izuku then unsummons it and rushes forward.

As he approaches Stain the hero killer loses his smile thinking Izuku was all talk.  Stain slashes his sword sideways at Izuku but as it approaches Izuku transforms in a puff of smoke into his small fox form.  Dashing through the killers' legs he quickly turns back and jumps overhead.  Stain turns quickly but looks left and right for the boy.  Izuku then delivers a quick but powerful kick to the killers' head sending Stain tumbling back.  Getting back into a defensive stance Izuku turns to Iida.  "Midoriya, be careful. His quirk is some sort of paralysis" Iida tells the boy.  "Thanks Iida, don't worry I'll get us out of this" he says before turning back to Stain who just recovered.   

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