He grins, "Like you don't know". What's that supposed to mean?

"I really don't, thats why I'm asking you." Parker pulls up to the top of a hill overlooking the entire city. Wait a second are we at "Make Out Hill?" This place is actually called "Look Out Hill" because of it's beautiful views but it's also where everyone goes to, well, make-out. Hence the name. I've never had the desire to come here. But we're here now so that can only mean one thing.

"I thought we were going to the movies" I say quite annoyed.

"Well I had something else in mind." He says while leaning in and cupping my face in his hands.

"No, get off me Parker! I didn't know you were like this. Look I'm not the type of girl who just makes out with any guy okay." I explain clearly getting agitated.

"It's ok Lila, just relax okay?" He says again while leaning in and trying to kiss me.

"Parker I said stop! I don't want to do this, did you not hear me?!" I say while forcefully pushing him back.

"Lila would you just chill out! Just let it happen, you're fine!" He shouts.

At this point I am scared and so angry. "GET OFF ME!" I screamed in his face at the top of my lungs. I pushed him away with all my might and he finally sat back in his seat. We're both breathing heavily and I'm not sure what's going to come next.

"Out!" He says loudly.

"What?" I say confused.

"Get out of my car!!" He yells at me.

Not a problem. I quickly get out of his car and watch as he speeds away, tires screeching on the pavement. I stand there alone, in the dark, freezing. I feel extremely pissed that I even gave that asshole a chance! I call Ava in tears and explain everything that just happened. She's listening to me vent while on her way to pick me up. Ava already knows how to get here since she's pretty familiar with "make-out point." I try to stop my tears as quickly as possible, because I hate the fact that piece of shit has any effect on me. I feel so used and ashamed with myself. Like I somehow let myself down. I take a deep breath and try to relax my mind and body. Once I am calm I look at the beautiful view of the entire town while waiting for Ava. It looks like a picture, it makes me feel safe and not alone.

Once she pulls up I quickly get in the car, freezing from the cold night. "Are you okay Lila?" Ava asks sympathetically.

"No, I feel humiliated and upset, and so angry."I say venting to her.

"I know Lila. I'm sorry this happened to you. Parker is a prick and he will regret this, trust me." I smile at her feeling grateful I have her as my best friend. "So what do you say, we go get some rocky road ice cream and watch a marathon of Criminal Minds?"

I laugh, "Sounds great Ava." She always knows exactly what to say to cheer me up.

I understand that this night could've gone a lot worse so I'm thankful that I'm safe. I'm just angry that this happened in the first place. I'm also worried for any other girls who try to date that scumbag.

Once we got our ice cream we drove back to my house. Criminal Minds wasn't on sadly, so we settled for Ghost Adventures instead. We loved making fun of the guys on this show, they were so dumb! They would get freaked out because they heard a noise and then a minute later they'd realize it was just one of them moving.

It was around 9:30pm when we started to get bored so we went up to my room and started talking.

"Ava I've got to tell you something?" I say.

She looks at me concerned,"What is it Lila".

"Nothing big I guess. I just um...haveadatewithjoshgraham," I say really fast.

"What?" She looks at me confused. "I honestly have no idea what you just said."

Just tell her, it's not a big deal, "I have a date with Josh Graham tomorrow night." I say much more clearly.

Her eyes widen as she looks at me stunned, "Are you kidding?! That's awesome! You guys would be so cute together!" And this is why I didn't want to tell her.

"No Ava, it's just one date okay, nothing more. I don't like him like that." I explain.

"But you will!" Ava says while squeezing both my arms. "I know you Lila, you tell yourself you don't like him because you're afraid you'll get hurt. But just give him a chance. Plus, something tells me he really likes you."

I look at her surprised, "How would you know?"

Ava smiles deviously, "Well lets just say, I was walking by the quad when I heard him talking to his friends. Then I heard your name come up so I stopped and listened" I look at her eagerly wanting more information. "I over heard him telling his friend about you. Oh, and by the way, his friend is super hot, he has these gorg-"

"Ava!" I clapped my hands in front of her face. She looks at me shocked. "What did he say?" I calmly ask. Ava comes back to reality, "Oh, just that he thinks your special, and different than the other girls. No big deal." She teases.

Special? Different? He said that? Wow maybe he really does like me. "Oh." I say with a smile on my face. I suddenly feel excited about my date with him tomorrow night.

At around 11:30 p.m. we finally stop talking and just lay there in bed staring at the ceiling. So much has happened today. I still feel hurt about what Parker did to me. But I've decided not to let it upset me anymore, he's just not worth it. I finally close my eyes and focus on the one thing that has been protruding my thoughts...Josh.

A/N: Well there it is guys! Parker is such a jerk! Lila definitely deserves way better! Now that she's kind of starting to fall for Josh, I wonder how there date is gonna go? Next update isn't gonna be for a while sorry, probably on thursday. Just be patient guys thanks! xx

The Locker (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora