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        "How is Abby?" John asked Taylor when they got home.
        "She's doing well. I was wondering if I could talk to you."
        "Of course." Marian and John sat down on the fancy couch.
        "I'm concerned about Abby. She has her good days, but she's so hard on herself sometimes." John nodded sadly.
        "Could I take her to a therapist? My roommate has a friend that is one." Taylor looked over at the parents who looked deep in thought.
        "That's a great idea. She has a track meet today, and was hoping you could come." Marian responded.
       "I would love that. The only problem is that I haven't had dinner yet."
        "You can go have dinner. It starts at 8."
       "That's late," Taylor remarked. It would get dark.
        "It's an indoor track."
        "Hey," Taylor said when she got home to Selena.
    "They said yes to therapy. I'm going to a track meet tonight to watch Abby."
    "Good. I was worried she wouldn't get help." They ate chicken with potatoes for dinner. Selena talked about her day at work. Taylor told her stories from her childhood.
    "You can sit with us." Taylor sat with John and Marian as the runners got ready. They pointed out Abby to her, and Taylor noticed how short she was compared to the others.
    Abby ended up winning by a lot. Those little legs took her a long way. She grabbed a sports drink before finding her parents.
    "You came," She said to Taylor with wide eyes.
    "Of course I did. You did so amazingly." Taylor gave her a side hug because she was very sweaty. She felt Abby's medal bonk against her chest. She had won 1st overall and 1st in the girl's division.
    "I have a question for you." Taylor sat down as Abby stretched. John and Marian were talking to other parents.
    "Will you go with me to therapy?" Taylor asked, trying to make it seem like Abby wasn't the one going to therapy.
    "Yes. I'm glad you're going." Abby took a big sip of her Gatorade.
    "Thank you." Taylor grabbed her hand.
    "It means a lot that you'll be there to support me."
    "You look tired." Marian sat with Taylor, looking at Abby.
    "I am. Can we go home?"
        "Yes." They went to John and Marian's house.
        "Thank you so much for coming. When do you think you'll go to therapy?" Marian asked.
        "Wednesdays. The middle of the week can be hard." Marian and John nodded.
        "Good night!" They called after her as she got in her car. She drove to London Calling. People were performing beautiful songs, and she decided to watch.
        "Hey. Weren't you here a month ago?" The announcer asked her. She nodded.
        "Are you performing tonight?"
        "Yes. I've been working on the song for a while."
        "You can go on next." Taylor got her guitar.
"It feels like a perfect night
To dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes, uh-uh, uh-uh
It feels like a perfect night
For breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers, uh-uh, uh-uh."

We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time
It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines
It's time, oh-oh."

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're
22, 22."

"It seems like one of those nights
This place is too crowded
Too many cool kids, uh-uh, uh-uh
It seems like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
And end up dreaming
Instead of sleeping."

We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way
It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks
It's time, oh-oh."

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright if
We just keep dancing like we're 22
22, 22."

"It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news
I gotta have you
I gotta have you
Ooh, ooh, yeah."
"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're
22, 22."

"It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news
I gotta have you
I gotta have you." The audience clapped for her. She realized she wouldn't be 22 much longer. Her birthday was in December. She wasn't anywhere near ready to be 23.
A/N: I cannot wait for 22 Taylor's Version to be released
Pls comment feedback 😊
Clue for next chapter
🎶Pouring my heart out to a stranger🎶- This Is Me Trying by Taylor Swift

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