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        "Breaking: Fiona Adams and Tom Heart have been found. According to Tom, they have been hiding under disguises and fake names. Let's go to his interview now." Fiona wanted to scream at the tv. Meredith, her cat, sat next to her.
    "Tom! How long have you two been going out?"
    "5 months." Fiona wanted to slap that smile off of his face.
    "How have you been hiding it?"
    "Code names and disguises."
    "Where's Fiona?" The reporter asked. Tom pulled out his phone.
    "She's just a mile from here." They began to walk as Tom explained everything about Fiona and Tom's relationship.
    "There she is!" The storm of camera flashes started, and Fiona watched herself get in Matt's car. The paparazzi began to chase his car. She turned the tv off.
    "That's awful." Matt sat next to her with breakfast for both of them. She couldn't go back to her apartment after running to grab Meredith, and they had an unspoken agreement to not talk about their relationship.
    "I don't know what to do." Fiona took a bite of french toast.
    "I know Abigail will figure it out."
    "I never told you about the code names or disguises. How did you find out?"
    "I know you. I recognized you immediately, even through your disguise."
    Matt peered through the curtains over his window. They had both turned their GPS on their phones off, but he was concerned that they would be found.
    "Hello?" Abigail had just called Fiona.
    "Hi. Can you come down to work? There's paparazzi stationed outside of the building, but we can get your security to escort you."
    "I don't know. I'm scared." Fiona said honestly.
    "I need to talk to you. Where are you? I could go there."
    "I'm at Matt's apartment. Let me ask him."
    "Can Abigail come here to talk to me?" Fiona asked Matt. He nodded.
    "He's fine with it." Fiona gave Abigail the address and hung up. She realized that she hadn't changed out of the dress from last night, but didn't have any clothes to change into.
    "You don't happen to have any clothes?" She asked Matt. He guided her to a cabinet that had a few of Jess's clothes.
    "I know, it's sad. I was going to get rid of them, but.." He trailed off.
    "I understand. Thank you." She picked a pair of shorts and a simple shirt. They fit her better than she thought they would.
    "What are we going to do?" Fiona looked over at Abigail, hoping she would have an answer.
    "I don't know. Tom exposed all of your secrets to those who believe him. Which is everyone."
    "I'm sorry. I never thought he would do that. I've been so careful, and I-."
    "It's ok. No one thought he was going to do that." Fiona calmed down.
    "Maybe I should lay low for a while?" Fiona asked.
    "The paparazzi would find you. How would you hide?"
    "I don't know. I can't go back to my old apartment, so maybe I would buy a new one under another fake name?"
    "It's all so impossible. I left work, and it was so hard not to scream at all the reporters." Abigail said.
    "I could get a new disguise. A better one. I could be a different person all the time."
    "I think that's the only solution we can think of, so let's go with that. What will your name be?"
    "What about Taylor Swift?" Fiona and Abigail looked at Matt.
    "It was the first thing that came to mind."
    "Ok. I could have dirty blonde hair and wear different clothes. Could I still live here?"
    "Probably not," Matt said.
    "We'll miss you, but you are more likely to be found here. You need to move somewhere far away."
    "What about London?" They booked a flight for Fiona to London and changed her legal name online. They did this on a secure website. It would be like Fiona had never existed.
    She wanted to stay and fight for her rights, but sometimes giving up was the strong thing. Sometimes to run was the brave thing. Sometimes walking out was the one thing that would find her the right thing. She knew it was time to go.
    "Thank you for doing this."
    "Of course. You need to be safe. Would you mind if I stay here? I can't go back to people asking me about you." Fiona and Matt let Abigail stay until after dinner.
    "Your flight is tomorrow. A security team will go with you, and move to London. We'll find them regular clothes so they fit in." Fiona hugged Abigail and promised to stay in touch.
    "Wow. You're leaving." Matt sat down.
    "Let's save our goodbye for tomorrow morning."
    "Have you heard from Will or Jess? I'm assuming you texted them before I called you."
    "No." Fiona sighed. "It's not worth it now. It's hard to know what to believe."
    "I'm going to bed. You have to leave early in the morning, so I want to be awake then."
    "Good night." Fiona kissed him on the cheek.
    "Good night." Part of her wanted to stay and become friends with Matt. He had been so wonderful.
    But she knew she had to leave. She had never mentioned London to Tom, but it was a place she had always wanted to visit. She was excited to see Big Ben and have tea.
    Maybe someday I can come back. She thought as she laid on the air mattress Matt had blown up. I can rebuild my life here. This isn't a goodbye forever. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed of people talking with accents and no photographers yelling at her.
I honestly love London
From now on when the character Taylor is brought up remember that's Fiona
Pls comment feedback
I can see more than 1 person has viewed the last chapter so I would love to hear what you think
🎶 Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer🎶- Welcome To New York by Taylor Swift
Yes ik she's going to London but the song fits

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