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        Fiona twirled around in her princess dress. It was a light blue, and she was wearing sandals with it to be the same height as Matt.
    She couldn't wait for their date. It would be their first true date. Matt had gone through therapy, and she had been there to help him through it all. He seemed much better than before.
    The clock in her apartment had just turned to 6 when the doorbell rang. She ran to open it.
    Matt was there wearing a black suit with a light blue tie to match hers. He had a bouquet of roses and a smile on his face that made her smile. He handed them to her.
    "You look pretty. You always do." He said. She thought she looked like a mess but pushed this away. It wasn't the time to be insecure.
    He came up behind her and picked her up bridal style. She giggled as he carried her to the elevator. He set her down when they got off the elevator and walked her out of the building.
    He opened the door of the limousine he had rented and she got in. She looked over at him and realized that this was the happiest she had ever been. She used to be a damsel in distress, but he had saved her.
    "Come on!" Matt tugged her out of the limousine towards their restaurant. She laughed, and he chuckled. She saw people looking at them, but didn't care.
    They ordered a to-go dinner from their favorite restaurant. They walked through the city. Time slowed down as Matt looked at her. Fiona wondered if he could feel the magic in the air.
    He laid out a blanket for them to have a picnic on. The sun began to set as they talked. Matt took Fiona to another planet with his smile. Everything he said and did was right.
    They went to Sugar for dessert. They each ordered a hot chocolate with marshmallows. Fiona led Matt to the roof of her apartment building. The stars came out and Matt leaned over to Fiona.
     Fiona danced around her apartment when she got home. That date was a fairytale. It must have been the way Matt kissed her. For the first time, everything was perfect.
This was short but sweet
Clues for next chapter
🎶You look beautiful tonight🎶- That's The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift
🎶My hair bleached🎶- Dress by Taylor Swift

Beautiful ThingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora