Some Time Later

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"Happy Halloween!" Selena shouted as soon as Taylor got home. They had decided to be roommates permanently. The house was decorated with candy corn and spiders.
"Are you going to the party tonight?" Taylor asked.
"No. I don't feel like it. Besides, I love handing out candy to kids."
"Can we watch Beetlejuice?" Taylor asked, sitting on the couch.
"Sounds good to me." They sat down and started their movie.
The doorbell rang in the middle of the movie. Taylor got up and walked towards the brown door. She hoped it was trick or treaters.
"One large cheese pizza and one large sausage pizza." The delivery guy said. She got her wallet out and paid for the pizza.
"Oh, I forgot. There's also crazy bread in there." He left.
"This is not for you, Meredith." Taylor's cat became interested in the pizza boxes.
"I want another cat," Selena said.
"Let's get one." They finished the movie while eating pizza, and went to the pet store.
"Which one?" Taylor asked. They looked at all of the cats. Meredith was grey all over with a white underside. They decided on another white cat.
"You should name it this time."
"Oliva Benson." The cat was named after another Law and Order character.
"Do you think it will get along with Meredith?" They found out when they got home. It was like marshmallow wars. Taylor made hot cocoa while they watched.
"Last Halloween, I was at a party in the United States." Taylor couldn't believe this was true.
"I was here with Gigi." Taylor picked up her phone to see another notification from Tom. She had gotten 5 notifications from his Instagram that day.
"Who's that?"
"Tom. He's been with this new girl in Malibu getting strawberry ice cream like we used to do. That was our place. Now he's watching reruns of Glee and singing in harmony with her. I wonder if he gets deja vu when she's with him."
"Are you ok?" Selena looked into her eyes.
"I think I am. He was a waste of time."
"I know it's late, but can you run down to a coffee shop? I have a work thing to do. It's so late at this point that I'll have to stay up all night."
"Ok. I haven't been to any coffee places here. Where are they?" Selena gave her directions to a few.
"2 coffees with cream, please," Taylor said.
"What name should go on the order?"
"Taylor." Saying this had become second nature to her. It was legally her name. Taylor got the coffees and headed back to Selena's house.
"How's Abby?" Selena asked.
"She's doing great. Her parents think she can go to school after Christmas break." Abby had made a lot of progress. There were many days where they were both feeling sad and didn't do much. But there were many days where they got ahead on work.
"I worry about her. She is so little, and worries about so much already."
"You're right. I worry about her too. I have this friend, Dorthea, who's a therapist. Maybe you could take her? With her parent's permission?"
"That's a good idea." Taylor planned on scheduling an appointment for herself as well. Her life had been going well, and she felt happy. But if she was left alone, she was unmotivated to do anything, and the negative thoughts began to creep in.
As she passed out candy to kids who were hopped up on sugar, she wondered how Matt was doing. She had made amends with Rachel and Will and missed them terribly.
"Happy Halloween!" Will said when she face-timed him.
"Same to you. It's almost Christmas!" He laughed. Taylor was obsessed with Christmas.
"Are you putting up your Christmas decorations at midnight?" He asked.
"I am. Isn't it weird that a year ago, I had only just bought an apartment?" She asked him.
"It is, but I'll see you again," Will said. The clock rang at midnight.
"Merry Christmas!" Matt yelled through the phone. Jess opened a bottle of champagne. The door of their apartment opened.
"Hi, Alison," Taylor said. Alison smiled at her.
"Do you guys think I could come there for Christmas break?" Taylor asked.
"That would be amazing. I'll book a plane ticket." Matt said.
"See you then."
A/N: this is a very short chapter with few song references
4 more chapters and this story is over!
🎶It seems like one of those nights🎶- 22 by Taylor Swift

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