"Completely off the subject but did anyone check Emmy's nappy this morning?" Harry asked. My cheeks were instantly covered with a blush. Why did they have to talk about that.
"Oh. I forgot." Liam said scratching the back of his head. "I got it." Louis said.
I looked at him confused. How would they check my nappy?
My face filled with heat as I felt Louis' hand on my thigh pulling the nappy to the side. He put to fingers in and checked it. Oh god that's embarrassing. "Nothing. Emmy you are going to have to start using it. It's bad for you to not go potty." He said talking to me like I was a mere 4 year old. But there was no way I was using this thing. It wasn't my fault yesterday.

We were in the living room doing nothing in particular when Louis sat next to me. I looked up at him considering he was much taller than me. He smiled down at me and lifted me off the ground. He then sat down and placed me on his lap. I was given a sippy cup that was filled with juice. I was really thirsty but I didn't want to drink from a sippy cup. Oh well.

Louis pulled me back against him, holding me as I drank. His arms wrapped loosely around my waist. I couldn't help but curl into Lou. he was just so comfortable.

When I finished my juice, he took the cup from me and placed it on the table. I turned around in his lap, looking up at him. He smiled down at me, moving my hair from my face.
I fluttered my eyes close, leaning against his chest.

A sad sigh left my mouth.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to see my brother and sister again. I wanted to see my mom and dad come home everyday. Even if they never payed attention to me. I just wanted to be back. Did they miss me? Were they worried? Was Emily, my younger sister, confused as to why her older sister wasn't there to walk her to dance class or wake her up from her naps? Was Lucas, my older brother, worried about where his little sister was? Who had taken me and if I was okay? Was he distracted during baseball or even falling behind with sleep because I wasn't there for him to put me and Emily to sleep and tell us how glad he was to have us as sisters? Did he miss my sarcastic remarks and my random hugs? Or where they irrelevant to it? Did they contact the police and simply let them do the job and not even worry about me? It killed me not to know. I needed to see them. My dad was probably sitting in his office not even giving me a second thought. My mom might worry a bit but it wouldn't distract or bother her from her daily routines. But I missed their constant nagging of do extra credit, practice piano more, work harder. Would I even see them again? I knew the answer to that question. No. I wouldn't. But even still, I had to try and get out of here. I knew the only way I could do that was to get them to put their guard down. And that would take time. I had to make a plan.
But it all depended on how I acted and if they let their guard down easily.

I lifted my head from Louis' chest as a sudden muffled boom filled the air. Realization hit me as rapid rain pounded on the windows and walls. Thunderstorm. Niall and Harry stood from the couch, walking to the window and peeking out. "That came out of no where." Harry muttered as lightning cracked and thunder rumbled quickly after. A small whimper left my mouth. Thunderstorms are one of the few things I was scared of. I absolutely hated them and a lot of times I ended up crying in the middle of them. Yes, I know it's a bit childish, but I couldn't help it. For some reason storms just scared me extremely.

I hadn't noticed the hot tears streaming down my face until Louis was wiping them away with his thumbs. "Hey, sh, baby. What's wrong, Emmy?" Sympathy was dripping with every word he spoke. I shook my head, sniffling my nose. "I'm scared of storms." I whispered softly. His eyes softened and he coo'ed gently. "It's okay. You're okay. You're safe inside." It wasn't the same. Lucas always comforted me during storms. I've never been through one without him. Where was he when I needed him?

Letting out a small squeal of surprise, I jumped as a huge, echoing thunder roared from the sky, with a clap of lighting just before. I clung to Louis, breathing deeply. His large hand covered the small of my back, pressing me on his chest into a hug. "Shh."

The storm continued on and I didn't move an inch from his lap, terror filling my body. I hated this. My arms wrapped tighter around Louis as he lifted himself off the ground. My head shook rapidly as he tried setting me on the couch. "Hey, it's okay. I'll be right back. I'm just going to the bathroom real quick. You'll be fine. Daddy(Liam AND Niall) and Dada(Harry) are still here." He said pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. I nodded, frowning as I let go.

I curled up as lightning filled the sky. Liam walked over, bending in front of me. "Hey, look. It's your beary." He smiled lifting the fuzzy bear towards me. I recognized it from the one that stayed in my crib all the time. Wait,... did I say my crib? What's wrong with me?
I looked at the bear for a minute, studying it. I wanted it but then I would be becoming what they wanted me to. But if I want to leave, I need to act like it. No. I can't take it.

Liam held it a bit closer to me, sending a soft smile my way. It's like he knew I wanted it. "Woah." Someone said as the lights flickered, causing me to flinch. Instantly, my arms shot out, grabbing the bear and holding it close to me. My arms squeezed it, leaning my head into and on my knees which were bent in front of me. Liam frowned at my shaking body and stroked my hair a bit. "Hold on, angel." He said walking away. I frowned.

The worst I thought happened, and the electricity went out with a big snap of lighting and roar of thunder. A sob left my mouth as darkness was all I could see. "Papa!" I cried, the first thing falling out of my mouth. Tears streamed down my face and soft sobs and whimpers fell past my lips. "Shit." Someone cursed quietly. I heard fumbling and a few murmurs. "Hold on, Emmy. Daddy is coming." I cried into the bear, trying to see in the darkness in front of me for someone. "Where are you, babygirl?" They asked trying to find their way through the darkness. They followed the sounds of my pitiful cries as thunder echoed. Footsteps came closer, quickly might I add, and soon I was lifted into someone's arms. "There you are." I flung my arms around them, holding on the them for dear life. The thunder outside wouldn't cease as the rain pounded against the house. "Shh. Calm down, darling. You're going to make yourself sick, princess." Niall said holding me close. Relief flooded through me as Niall cradled me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "Someone have a light?"

It took a minute before a flashlight was turned on, being shook a few times to actually work. I relaxed a bit as a thin ray of light lit the area just a bit. The bear was still held tightly in my hand I couldn't help but look at the boys around me as they gathered around. My eyebrows crossed in confusion when one was still missing. "Where's Papa?" I frowned, whimpering. "He's coming, Emmy."

Soon enough, Louis came back but with more than a few flashlights and candles in his hand. "Here, I brought some stuff." He said setting it all down on the table." He stood up, straightening out. A frown filled his face as he saw me. "Papa." I whimpered stretching my arms out for him. Without hesitating, he pulled me from Ni and onto his hip. "You're okay," He whispered kissing my temple. "Did daddy bring you beary?" He asked taking notice at the fuzzy animal tangled in my hand and trying to distract me. It oddly worked. A small blush filled my cheeks and I nodded. He smiled.

The storm continued but I gradually calmed down as the boys managed to distract me with a few things they found to do while the flashlights and candles lit the area.

It was around 2 in the afternoon when the storm quieted down a bit but was still raining. The electricity was still out. My eyes began to droop as sudden fatigue filled my body. I leaned against the closest body next to me and curled my knees up, hugging the bear to my chest. The boys chatted for a bit longer before I was lifted up, my head rested against a chest, my eyes keeping close. "Lets get you to a nap, babygirl." Louis whispered in my ear. He trudged up the stairs and through the hall before he walked into my nursery. One arm held me up as he pushed down the side of the crib and pulled back the blankets. My arms were slowly removed from around his neck as he leaned down and laid me against the soft mattress. Gently, he pulled the blankets over and around me, tucking me in. The bear was again, stuffed in my arms and a kiss planted on my forehead. "Sleeptight, Emmy girl. Love you." He said as he closed the door leaving me to fall into a deep slumber

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