Long Way From Home

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"If the sun don't shine on me today

And if the subways flood and bridges break

Will you lay down and dig your grave

or will you rail against your dying day?"


Sonne, Germany

May 29th

 The early mornings at the cottage were always peaceful, full of life, and exceptionally blissful. There was a way that the trees brushed lightly in the breeze that seemed to calm any and all life surrounding. Strawberry was most docile in the mornings, her adventures waiting until the afternoon light to begin. She spent most mornings circling Erik curiously waiting for him to drop a portion of breakfast as he cooked. And after being satisfied with whatever it was Erik offered her she would wander off to the porch where she would lay her head on the warm wood awaiting the arrival of both men. Her bright white fur glowing in the morning sun as the wind blew softly against her. Strawberry loved her mornings, she loved the routine and relied on it to begin her day. But, probably more than anything Strawberry loved her nights. Nights spent running around the legs of dancing friends, barking playfully at Sylvia and Colette. And eventually retiring to the soft blankets of her bed in the bedroom. All warm in the dark as she fell asleep to the sounds of goodbyes and late night laughter. So, when she awoke to Charlie flicking on the bedroom light she leapt up in surprise.

"Charlie, just slow down," Erik tried as Charlie ran in circles around the room, his phone glowing in his hand. Monday? No flights until Monday?

"I need to tell Marina I won't be there until Monday," Charlie seemed to be out of touch, gone completely to his own thoughts. His phone buzzing in his hand, lighting up over and over again.

Marina- Charlie, please answer my texts. I'm worried sick.

Angel- Charlie I'm so sorry. We should have noticed, I know that doesn't make it better but I'm sorry. Keep me updated if you can.

Marina- This is all my fault.

"Where is my pass--ah!" Charlie ignored the texts as they came in, only rummaging through a drawer in some sort of cornered animal like panic.

Years ago, when Charlie would get in moods such as these Erik would simply throw a pillow at him, shout or make loud noises to stop whatever connecting line of thoughts were plaguing him. It would end in laughter and an adorably confused expression on Charlie's face that Erik wanted to eat up every time. On the more severe occasions it was harder, Charlie would become the sun in his own orbit. Spinning endlessly, a fire in the sky as the planets spun faster and faster around him. Those times, Erik would have to find a more gentle way to talk him down, a better way to ground him back to reality. Many times he would simply grab Charlie's shoulders and hold him still, say his name and the orbit would slow. But, that was years ago, that was before Jack Kline. Now, it was detrimental that the way Erik went about slowing Charlie down was done very specifically. Charlie had worked through the trauma, laid it to rest and grown from it stronger than ever, but even still the echoes were there.

"Charles, darling, slow down for a moment," Erik began, his voice even and gentle. There is warmth and kindness in it, Charlie didn't seem phased.

"We have to pack, and who is going to take care of Strawberry? I suppose your mother wouldn't mind but Berry wouldn't find that at all comfortable." Charlie was zipping even faster now, Strawberry following him in concern after hearing her name several times.

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