All she realized was her manager violently shaking her shoulders and exclaiming. "Get up, Julia! You have so much to do!"


"You just got a brand invite to advocate!"

"Brand ambassador? Which brand?"


"DarkCorps? Wait- DarkCorps?" 

Julia almost screamed. Her manager was like a puppy on steroids. "Oh, my God. Julia, you have some luck! Somebody at DarkCorps is helping you out. Sign the contract and get this over with already! We have so much preparations to do! We need to plan this carefully. And publicize this. Oh my goodness! Just think what those people out there to get you must feel like!" She laughed, clenching her belly in pain. Her manager found this situation funny, but Julia was far from happy. This wasn't the first time she had been targeted by some bigshots. But this was the first time she was realizing who helped her out of this situation.

'So was he the one who anonymously helped me four years ago too? Or is it just a coincidence?'


At ScotCorps, "Mr. Dark. I thought we were on friendly terms? Why didn't you cooperate with us?"

"Oh, I didn't see any contract files from ScotCorps though?" William turned to look at Mr. Clark questioningly. Clark responded, "I think Mr. Scot is talking about the letter about the actress..."

"That's right, Mr. Dark. You wouldn't destroy this friendship for a mere actress, right? All I ask is that you block her from all sources. We don't want her to step into the entertainment industry again."

"Why should I bother with such a small scale artist, Mr. Scot? I have much better things to do than haunt an actress." William chuckled.

"Uhh... Consider it a favor to me for my younger sister. She apparently insulted my sister in a banquet yesterday. Can you please do that?" William was about to speak when Mia Scot barged into Tony Scot's office. 

"William Dark, how dare you terminate my contract? Was it because that bitch told you to?"

William simply raised a brow. Mia Scot looked disheveled. She was breathing rapidly and her eyes were bloodshot. "Mia! Conduct yourself properly!" Tony yelled.

Mia scoffed at Tony, "Shut up. You are such a sore loser. Let me handle this." 

Mia turned to look at William Dark, sitting on the chair. Folding her arms across her chest, she asked, "Why did you terminate my contract? Was it because Julia said to?"

William stayed quiet for a second before answering, "No, Miss Scot. I just wanted a vacancy. So I told my board members to kick the worst ambassador. I found out now that the one kicked was you. Maybe, you were the worst." William shrugged.

"But that's not possible..." Mia trailed.

"Oh," William turned to look at Tony, "You never told me Mr. Walter from my board at DarkCorps was your maternal uncle. Too bad that he was caught for embezzlement." William sighed, ignoring the pale faces of the brother-sister duo.

Then as if her rationale had flown out the window, Mia threw herself at William. William quickly stood up and dodged, making Mia fall into the chair.

"William! Why won't you look at me?! What's so good about that Julia bitch? I'm telling you she isn't the right one for you. You will regret!"

"Shut your trap this moment, Mia!" Tony roared, completely enraged. Which brother would like to watch his sister begging a man so desperately?

Tony's assistant tugged Mia out of the room, kicking and howling. "That was traumatic." William quietly mumbled.

Tony slouched in his seat, completely exhausted, "Pardon me, Mr. Dark. My sister can be a handful at times. But she means no offense, I assure you. Can you please do me that favor now?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Scot. And I guess I will have to withdraw from our collaboration too."

Tony Scot's eyes widened in shock, "If this is about my sister-"

"It's not related to your sister, Mr. Scot. I can't be bothered by the types of her."

Tony gritted his teeth, "Oh, I see. Then pray tell me the reason why you are withdrawing from the collaboration?"

William placed his hands into his pockets. "You see, Mr. Scot. I'm a devout family-man. And I don't take shit from just about anybody when it comes to my family--" William paused, watching Tony's face scrunch into a frown before widening in disbelief. William continued, "And when somebody is targeting my wife, and nevertheless wants me to help them too... You tell me Tony, how do I tolerate that?" William tilted his head, appraising the damage he did.

"My assistant will be over in a few days with the contract. We'll pay the fees once you sign it." That said, William left the ScotCorps, leaving behind a crumbling mess of a female lead and an equally crumbling mess of a CEO.

"You were so macho back there, host. I didn't know you had it in you."

'All part of the charm, system. All part of the charm.' William smiled, checking the latest unread message.

Thank you. -Julia

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