Julia - 3

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Third day: 

Julia dutifully logged onto her incog Instagram account at 7:45 pm. 

Right as the clock struck eight, she got a notification. William Dark posted a video

Playing it with great enthusiasm, Julia laughed lightly. The video seemed to be recorded from atop the refrigerator. So Julia guessed that William had placed his phone on top of it to record the whole tragedy.  It started off with Ethan sitting before the kitchen island in a Gordon Ramsay attire. A plate of burnt steak was placed before him. William's figure could be partially seen, sitting to the extreme right of the video frame. 

Ethan brought his palms together in a praying motion, and a squeaky voice rang out, "For what we are about to eat, may the Lord truly not make us vomit."

"We made this steak together, Ethan--"

"Oh fuck off, you bimbo."


The video was captioned a simple #fathersongoals

A second of silence ensued in Julia's bedroom, before she dropped on the bed, cackling. "Hahhahhahahah!" Julia laughed till her stomach hurt and tears ran out. How could she miss out on the Ramsay quotes? Julia still remembered the handful times she and Ethan spent time watching Ramsay roast poor chefs. They both were a little sadistic like that. Julia breathed deeply, how long had it been since she laughed like this?

Julia would never have thought that that measly three-year-old would dare to use a Ramsay quote on the iceberg imported straight from Antarctica. She felt like William had truly met his match. But what overwhelmed her was the gentleness with which William told Ethan: "Your pocket money for the month is going into the swear-jar."

That night Julia slept with a wide smile on her face. On the other side, a father was furiously working on his tablet, changing his Instagram password, Google password, Facebook password and whatnot. He'd often glare at the boy who was smugly grinning at the television. 

"You are not permitted electronic devices henceforth." William declared. The small child stood up on the couch and glared back at his dad seated on the chair, "Well, fuck you. Dad. You are being childish now."

William felt indignant now. His habit of cursing out loud had been tentatively picked up by this demonic brat. And for the past one hour, the kid had been hurling such choice words at William. Leaving the poor man wanting to report to the cops for abuse at home.


Three weeks flew past with William posting a picture or video of Ethan daily at 8 pm. Julia's routine too, had been set by her to keep herself completely free at 8 pm. Unknowingly, Julia's life had started to revolve around these little posts and the humorous captions. 

Tonight, Julia lay on her bed,  phone in hand, eagerly waiting for the next post. It was a peaceful weekend and she was looking forward to what Ethan and William were up to. It was a short video this time. 

Apparently, the father-son duo had been to a waterpark. The video was of Ethan riding a toy horse on a merry-go-round. He even waved a plastic sword and hollered at the rest of the horses, "Dirty wussies! I'm gonna kill you all!"

In the background, one could hear William laughing and yelling back, "That's my boy! Go kill all the knights and abduct the princess, bub!!! You are doing so good!"

Julia was dumbstruck. What was he teaching the kid? Julia had seen Ethan swearing at William but had brushed it off as Ethan trying to copy Ramsay. But now, watching the father-son pair's villain-talk, Julia felt genuine, maternal worry for Ethan. 

"Rat-tat-tat boss, favorability fell by 5%. Total remains at 65%"

'WHat did I do now?'

"Whoa, whoa, hold up. Favorability rose by fifteen! Now it's at 80% You know what this means? She's in love with you and doesn't know it."

William was at a loss. The favorability that had stabilized at seventy percent had suddenly dropped and now abruptly increased? 

'Is she on her periods? Should I bring her some chocolates and snacks? Maybe I could even massage her! Damn I've been dreaming of touching that body for so long now...'

"Boss, how about you get your brain checked? There's a serious clog in your head. The dirty thoughts just won't stop!"

'Tch. Those aren't dirty thoughts you idiot. Those are primal thoughts. Thoughts passed over from generations to generations. Thoughts that help us continue the generations! What would the world be without these thoughts? You should be thankful of my existence in a world filled with monks and nuns. How else would the progeny succeed? Ungrateful twit!'

The system was awestruck. This host's thinking could really change one's perception of the world. No wonder he's a renowned men's psychologist back in his world. Too bad, his view on the female population was as retarded as that of a dog.

Quick Transmigration: Tame the VillainessWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu