Julia - 6

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I woodenly turned around and walked away, letting the mother-son duo have their moment of privacy. That brat's actions had completely baffled me. 

'What cuteness? What innocence? That spawn of devil had definitely crawled out of a crack right from hell! That must be it! There's no other explanation to his attitude.' 

"How hard is it to believe that he gets it from you, host?" the system sighed, exasperated. I ignored him, enjoying the cool air and the calmness it brought. The garden smelled nice and I closed my eyes to enjoy the rare moment of peace. I smiled as I thought of how that brat was still working his ass off on gaining Julia's favor. 

'Only if he knew her favorability for him was already at 150%... Ahh, how good it feels withholding information from that brat and letting nuisances suffer!'

My smile immediately dropped the moment a sharp citrusy scent invaded my nostrils, chasing away the pleasant atmosphere of the garden. I opened my eyes to see none other than the grandiose female lead, standing before me, and blushing red to her roots. She held two glasses of champagne, one of which she offered to me.

I didn't dare reject her offer, afraid of being labelled a heartless bitch. She stood there silently for a moment. My brows rose in contemplation as I studied her. The exact same dress as my woman's. Except, she couldn't admit that Julia did the peach gown better than her.

'Man... A woman's ego can be a major pain in the arse...'

"Whoever quoted that definitely didn't have to live in your blasphemous head!"

I rolled my eyes internally.

Finally she talked, her high pitched voice scraping my ears, making me grimace. "Mr. Dark. Are you dating Julia?"

I smiled, "What if I am?"

Her aura suddenly changed, her demeanor changing from that of a shy beauty, to a woman who had gossip. "Mr. Dark. I would advice you to stay away from her."

"Oh, why so?" Now, she had my attention.

"There have been rumors that Julia has had a pregnancy already. And it was out of a one-night stand too!" She emphasized.

I grit my teeth. Our beautiful bond was viewed by these filthy mudbloods as a mere one-nightstand. Maybe, my expression reassured her, but the bitch didn't stop. "You know, with your popularity you can have any woman from a higher background, Mr. Dark. Why go for such a cheap woman as her? She doesn't deserve somebody like you."

Unable to control my tongue, I spat, "And who deserves me better then, Miss Mia Scot? You?"

She still didn't get the memo that I was mad, and continued babbling profusely, "I am definitely a better choice than her. I have a clean history and a good background. Moreover, Julia likes Braxton." Mia stated smugly. And then and there I was reminded of a well known meme of my time.

'And I remember thinking-- I'm about to beat this bitch up.'

"I don't think so, Mia. I wouldn't be too sure about that after what happened today." Julia's voice rang from behind me. "Braxton's definitely blind if he chose to believe you over me. And guess what? I prefer my men with 6/6 vision." She stood before us.

I quickly went to stand beside Julia, not wanting to waste another second on the fumbling idiot, Mia Scot. 

I watched in complete amusement as Mia's eyes filled up, and that attitude of being wronged by the world overwhelmed the air around her. "Julia, I know you have negative feelings towards me. But do you have to twist my words like so? Did I lie about anything? Did you not admit to having feelings for Braxton?"

Quick Transmigration: Tame the VillainessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora