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(Short chapter)

After Wales said what she needed to say to the Eagle Unions Commander she looks for her daughter Jade only to find her in the Royal Gardens that the Azur lane Hq had as she saw her Daughter sleeping in George's lap she saw QE, Warspite, DOY, Belfast, Illustrious, and Sheffield waiting for her

Wales: Your Majesty

QE: It's been so long hasn't it

Wales: Yes it is 

Warspite: And also were been aware about your situation since DOY tell us why you left but...

Warspite: But how did your daughter know that PATTING MY HEAD IS MY WEAKNESS!!! *in an embarrassed tone*

and then Wales laughed so hard that she almost run out of air and then tells her that it was just only a theory that she told her daughter

and then she tells them to meet her in the dining hall of Azur lane at 6:00pm and then Jade woke up and follows Wales and then they go to their separate ways

6:00pm at the dining hall of Azur lane HQ

as Bismarck, Hood, DOY, George, and other shipgirls head to the dining hall and opened the door they were all shocked and awe while George was drooling due to the food that was on the Table and then they saw Wales and Jade

as Bismarck, Hood, DOY, George, and other shipgirls head to the dining hall and opened the door they were all shocked and awe while George was drooling due to the food that was on the Table and then they saw Wales and Jade

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Wales: I told you I'm right Jade, When George saw a LOT of food she'll be drooling like that

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Wales: I told you I'm right Jade, When George saw a LOT of food she'll be drooling like that

George: WALES!!!*very embarrassed*

Jade: But I fought Aunt George isn't like that

and then the shipgirls laughed and then proceeded to eat during that time Hood and George become friends again and FINALLY supporting there relationship(Bismarck x Hood) which makes Wales Glad and then after dinner they clean the dishes and proceeded to go to sleep.

To be continued

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