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(Short Chapter)

(King George V)KGV: Wales I-

Wales: I forgive you, you know

As KGV heard this she was shocked and confused at the same time, Even thou it's been 10 years she still regretted what she said to Wales, KGV is the Big sister so she needs to become a good model to her sisters, but that day she made a mistake she regretted it so badly, she even lost a friend.

KGV: How could you still forgive me after what I said to you *tears running in her face*(Correct me here by commenting here)

Wales: That day you said those word to me I know you don't want Hood to sunk again but I know you just overreacted so I forgive you

KGV: W-why

Wales: Because were sisters and sisters forgive each other if they make mistakes

and then KGV hugged Wales and Wales Hugged back and then they sharred a moment quietly

Outside of Wales Room in the hospital

as they Waited for KGV and Wales to go out of the door since Wales could be discharged from the hospital and then the door opened revealing KGV and Wales wearing the chothes that Merry left in the bag 

as they Waited for KGV and Wales to go out of the door since Wales could be discharged from the hospital and then the door opened revealing KGV and Wales wearing the chothes that Merry left in the bag 

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(Imagine she is wearing no hat and has no headphones thats all)

KGV: We must leave the Commander would want to talk about the files you collected

Wales: Oh yes sister I'll follow shortly

and then KGV left leaving the group shocked and then they left while Hood and Wales walked behind

Hood: You've already forgiven George didn't you?

Wales: Yep so no need to worry

Hood: Why did you forgive her after everything she said to you?

Wales: Hood we all make mistakes and if they make those mistake we still need to forgive them 

Hood: Okay

Wales: And Hood 

Hood: Yes

Wales: Please forgive my sister already I know she made you mad she regretted it dearly so please be friends again

Hood: Okay.... I'll try

and then they walk silently and head to the Azur Lane HQ

To be continued

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