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"M-My Rifle"

Hood: Wales don't speak you-

Wales: P-pick I-it up a-and h-here *get some rifle bullets from her coat and gives it to Hood*

Bismarck: I'll Carry her pick up the rifle 

Hood: Okay 

as Bismarck carried Wales Hood loads the rifle and looks at her surrounding just in case they were followed and after minutes of walking they saw a truck and soldiers waiting for them and then the soldiers help Hood and Bismarck to carry Wales to the base's Infirmary

(At Lt. Cdr. Doodz Fernandez Situation or Pov)

Me and the boys have been fighting the siren aircraft for 10 mins. straight we are losing missiles and bullets I have to think of an plan come on think, think 

wait a minute

and then he called some on the radio

 In an random California beach or ocean whatever you want to call it

As Enterprise and the other shipgirls attack and sunk siren ships someone called on her radio

"Enterprise this is you commander speaking"

Enterprise: Commander!!! 

and then she picks up the radio

Enterprise: What are you doing here!!!

"Helping the boys destroying siren aircraft but the problem is that when destroy more of there aircraft more came so I need you to find out if there is a siren ship sending some siren aircraft"

Enterprise: Alright I'll see what I can do commander 

"Thanks Enty I know I can count on you"

Enterprise: *Blushes* B-BAKA just shut up already

"Alright Over and out"

and then Enterprise calls New Jersey on the radio and tells her to check if there are anymore Siren ships and then she said yes and she is is going to sunk it now and then New Jersey calls her that she sunk an siren ship that was sending planes and then Enterprise calls the commander and tells him that there are the only siren aircraft left

(At Lt. Cdr. Doodz Fernandez Situation or Pov)

Finally some good news I thanked Enterprise and then contacted the Boy's

"Alright boys our intel said that these are the last of them lets shoot them down so we could all go home"

"Yes sir"

and then we finish the last of the siren aircraft and head back to base

2 hours later 

At the Hospital

Hood's Pov

Me and Bismarck were waiting outside the Emergency room and then the a Doctor come's out of the room and then we both stand up

Hood: Doctor how is Wales

Doctor: She is safe for now she is currently put into Room(Random Number)

Bismarck: Thanks Doctor

Doctor: You're Welcome

and then they go to the room where Wales is and then enters it only to see Wales Asleep 

Bismarck: See I told you she'll be ok

Hood: I know but if I had known that will happen we could've avoid the attack

and then someone opened the Door revealing Duke of York(DOY) and Enterprise

DOY: Is Wales ok 

Hood: For now we have wait for her to wake up

Enterprise: What Happened?

and then Hood proceeded to tell everything and both of them were shock to hear that Wales destroyed a Tank:  All. By. Herself by using a Hunting Rifle

and then explained How Wales injured and then DOY tells her it wasn't her fault and then a woman comes in wearing an police outfit

and then explained How Wales injured and then DOY tells her it wasn't her fault and then a woman comes in wearing an police outfit

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???: Hello Is there a name Doodz Fernandez and Hood

Enterprise: Yes Hood is here but our Commander is attending some business may I ask why

Merry: Oh I Apologize My name Is Merry a police officer and a friend of Wales

Hood: Oh What seems to be a problem

Merry: Before Wales Evacuated the Town she tells me to tell this to Your Commander and Miss Hood

Bismarck: What is it?

Merry: Well you see 6 years ago there were siren activities in California 

All: WHAT!!!

Merry: Please be quiet we don't wanna draw attention, As I was Saying after Wales discover this we destroyed and raid there Activities the reason Wales didn't tell this is because the government is very busy at that time and not to cause a panic in the public

Hood: But why are you saying this?

Merry: Because Wales wants you to give you the files of these activities to the commander to see if you know guys what are they planning

DOY:  But where are these files you say

Merry: The files are at Wales House follow me Will go there

Enterprise: I'll stay here go

Hood: Alright call us if Wales is awake

Enterprise: Okay

and then they head to Merry's car

and then Merry drive's the car heading to Wales House

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and then Merry drive's the car heading to Wales House

DOY: How long do we get there

Merry: About 10 mins and your right on time, someone wants to see you all

Bismarck: Who?

Merry: Wales daughter Jade

Hood: Oh I see Wales Daughter....

All(except for Merry): WAIT WHAT!!!!!

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