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10 years later

Somewhere at Califonia

We could see Illustrious with her little sister Unicorn in a cafe bar drinking milkshake since they are given a week off fighting sirens, Yes they are still fighting sirens but little by little there activity's are decreasing, giving them space and then 

A man come close to them and was about to touch Illustrious Body and Unicorn was about to cry, and then

"Hey Asshole"

The Man, Illustrious, Unicorn, and Cleveland turned around and saw a woman wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans and a brown cowboy hat sitting at the front of the counter drinking coffee like this 

The Man, Illustrious, Unicorn, and Cleveland turned around and saw a woman wearing a brown jacket with blue jeans and a brown cowboy hat sitting at the front of the counter drinking coffee like this 

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"What do you say to me?!"

"I said your an Asshole there's a problem?"

and then the man gets close to the woman and was about to slap her and then the women throw the coffee at the man face making him close his eyes and then the woman stands up and kicks the man into the stomach making him kneel to his knees and then the woman gets something revealing handcuffs and handcuffed the man saying 

"You're under arrest for harassing a woman you have the right to remain silent"

and then bring the man to her car to put him in jail but 

Unicorn: T-thank you, miss

???: No problem little one

Illustrious: May we get your name, Ma'am

Wales: Ahh It's Wales, Sheriff Wales

Illustrious: O-oh

Wales: There's a problem miss

Illustrious: You've just reminded me of an old friend

Wales: Oh then where is she?

Illustrious: She died 10 years ago

Wales: Oh my condolences ma'am

Illustrious: Thank's ma'am 

Wales: Anytime now I'm going to take my leave I must bring this man to where he belongs

Illustrious: Oh ok say Bye-bye to miss Wales, Unicorn

Unicorn: Bye-bye

Wales: Goodbye

and then Wales put the man inside the back seat of her Sheriff's truck

and then Wales put the man inside the back seat of her Sheriff's truck

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(Don't mind the boat only the truck)

and then left

A week later- Royal Navy

"It has been so long isn't Wales?"

Hood said as she looks at Wales Grave and puts some flowers in front of it and then said 

"I sorry I can't comfort you when your sister said that to you but I promise you that everything will be alright" and then stand up saying Goodbye at Wales grave

As Hood get back to her office Belfast tells her to go to the meeting room, as they opened the room Hood saw Queen Elizabeth(QE), Warspite, Illustrious, Duke of York(DOY), and her not a best friend anymore King George V(KGV) and then sits at a chair beside QE

Hood: Why are we here Your Majesty I Have a lot of paperwork to do

QE: We've made a shocking revelation about Wales Death

All(Except for QE, Warspite, and Belfast): WHAT!!!

Warspite: Look at the footage we get 2 days before Wales death

as they look at the screen Wales walked at the docks holding a blueprint and giving it to a manjuu wearing a blue cap

KGV: and where is this manjuu

QE: Belfast bring the manjuu in

Belfast: Yes your Majesty

As Belfast opened the door the Manjuu goes in and places the blueprint as it opened it everyone was shocked

It was a construction building Wales Ship

Belfast: Why would Wales Give this to the Manjuu

and then DOY realized something 

DOY: I-it can't be 

KGV: What is it, sister?

DOY: That morning when Wales ship exploded it couldn't be tha-

Hood: Wales Faked her death

Illustrious: So it means the woman at the Cafe in California is really Wales

And then Everyone looked at Illustrious 

DOY: What do you mean?

Illustrious: A week ago me and Unicorn are drinking Milkshakes at a cafe in California at the Eagle Union and then an Man was about to harass me until an Woman Arrested him and the woman said her name is Wales, a sheriff in California, S-she exactly looks like Wales

QE: But why didn't the Eagle Union tell us.... unless Belfast who were the one patrolling the Eagle Union water after Wales faked her Death?

Belfast: It was Enterprise and Cleveland your Majesty

QE: Then It's settled Me, Illustrious, Warspite, Hood, DOY, and KGV will go at the Eagle Union to get some Answers

Hood: You Majesty May I bring Bismarck to this trip?

QE: Of course Hood

Hood: Thank you your majesty I must take my leave now

QE: Ok

as Hood left she was Sad and Happy to know that Wales faked her death and left them

And now she knows the truth she will do anything to make Wales return here and make her Happy with the help of Bismarck of course

(Hey Just asking If Your a fan of Bismarck x Hood if you are leave a comment here that's all)

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