A mission to find a boyfriend is interrupted by a screaming teacher, darn

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*Nico's POV*

Since Nico had agreed Will and Nico had started attending the DA classes, for the most part they stayed in the back. But then Hermione had the brilliant idea that Nico show them how to use weapons. 

Apparently she'd noticed his sword, causing Nico to wonder if she could see through the mist.

The Room of Requirement had provided them all with practice wooden swords. But even with the dull weapons and the majority's poor expertise most still ended up with several bruises. This apparently was the perfect opportunity to practice healing enchantments on, so said Hermione.

 Hermione had said it had been a success, Nico disagreed, but apparently he didn't get to comment since the next meeting he was forced to do it again.

The interview Harry had done had become great news, something Umbridge appeared to hate, but Nico wasn't too much involved. He didn't care if there were people who thought Harry and Dumbledore were lying about Voldemort. 

They were being stupid and hopeful. 

So they would be the first to die.

Sometimes Nico wondered how Percy wasn't dead yet, since he basically drank that stuff for breakfast.

Mostly Nico spent time with Will.

He didn't know anything more about Honeydukes. Will had avoided the topic whenever Nico had brought it up and after a reassurance that Will would talk to him, or someone, about it Nico stopped asking.

He felt a sadistic type of glee every time he saw Malfoy's face. 

Still with that burning anger, but Nico kept his promise to Will and didn't lay another finger on him, or blade. 

His goonies, well, they got what he'd promised to give them. 

But Nico didn't kill any of them.

Dumbledore hadn't contacted them since being back from Christmas, and so far Nico and Will had yet to locate any other Horcrux's.

Once again the timing was crucial on everything. So even though they had another in their possession they would have to await the correct time. Which should be nearing, now that Nico thought of it.

Nico had started dream walking, spending the hours visiting the other's dreams, but he mainly focused on Potter. 

One night the other boy had woken up, taking Nico with him as well. Nico had listened silently has Harry had explained his dream hurriedly to Ron before they were interrupted by two other boys entering, Seamus and Dean.

Nothing happened of any interest until two weeks later, those weeks being filled with studying and Nico watching for any signs of Voldemort's plans changing. They didn't.

Snape had knocked Harry to the ground yet again during their latest Occlumency lesson, interrogating him on the dream from two weeks previous.

"That last memory, what was it?" Snape asked Harry who was still on the floor,

"You mean the one where my cousin tried to make me stand in the toilet?" Harry got to his feet warily,

"No, I mean the one with a man kneeling in the middle of a darkened room. . ." Snape had decided to ignore Nico during these lessons, because, apparently, Nico still had to take them even though he was obviously better at it then the teacher himself. 

So, Nico busied himself by slipping in and out of Snape's mind. Finding it immensely enjoyable, mainly because the potions master didn't actually notice his presence.

"Yes, Potter, that is my job. Now, if you're ready, we will start again. One - two - three - Legilimens!" It started off as it always did, Harry growing stiff, but this time, before he fell Harry lifted his wand,

"Protego!" Snape's wand left his hand and this time both wizards went stiff, as Nico lay against his desk, watching the scene in front of him as well, as the ones in their heads.

"ENOUGH!" Snape shouted. Harry shot backward though Snape hadn't shouted any spell Nico knew and crashed into the shelf behind him. Nico yawned, loudly.

"While this has all been very entertaining, I assure you, I have better things to do with my time then watch your pitiful childhood memories, Professor Snape." Before either could recover from what had just happened Nico sauntered out of the room on a mission to find his boyfriend.


Unfortunately Nico was interrupted, by a screaming teacher. 

Nico was wondering where Will could be when he heard someone scream. So, of course, Nico being the brave, selfless demigod he was, he rushed off, sword already drawn.

But he forgot that wizards like to scream, a lot.

"No! NO! This cannot be happening . . . it cannot . . . I refuse to accept it!" As Nico grew closer, he recognized Professor Trelawney. She was standing dressed in the usual shawls, staring, horrified, at the squat little witch who looked like a frog ready for a tea party, in Wonderland.

Apparently Umbridge was firing Professor Trelawney. When Dumbledore arrived Nico stalked off, not really caring what would become of Trelawney, Will was more important.


Will had been hiding in the infirmary, tending to a student that had burned herself on a burner in potions.

"It should be fine in a few minutes, when the salve has sunk in completely you can go, once again, that should take only a few minutes." Will left the girls side, walking over to Nico, who had knocked on the door upon entering.

"Hello." Will said, blushing as Nico reached up to peck him on the lips.

"Are you almost done?" Nico asked, "Can you leave? I have a surprise."

A/N - Hi, sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be lots of fluff and very little plot, I think . . .

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I hope you enjoyed!

- Nameunknown

Word count: 925

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