Walk home

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Jimin POV

As the man was walking me home, I was checking him out he had a sharp jawline, long neck, bubble nose, and light brown eyes that can suck u in if u lock eyes with him.

"Ur staring am I that handsome" says the man while smirking, oh he thinks that's anything watch this stupid handsome boy.
"No ur not handsome I was thinking of how ugly u were" I say looking forward and walking 2 times faster than I was.

I can feel a glare at the back of my head while walking hmm that's what u get for thinking ur handsome when u really are but he does not need to know that.

Jungkook POV

This shorty just called me ugly. But now that he is walking in front of me his butt is so fucking big. I wonder how it will look if I did it from the back while he is an a doggy style.

"Woah jugkook hold ur thought there" I said out loud but now that I'm thinking about it I never told him my name maybe he would probably run away like othe people since I'm the biggest mafia in Korea.

"Yo shorty wait for me" I see him holt in his step and turn and yelled " I'm not short u shrimp dick Bitch"

Wow thats the first time someone yelled at me and cursed at other than Jin.

"Would u like to see if it's a shrimp shorty"

I see he blushed wow I still got the effect.

Jimin POV

"Ugh I would love to but I'm not in the move so we still going" i say knowing im blushing like a tomato.

" okay and by the way the names jeon Jungkook"

"Oh okay nice my name is park Jimin"

"Wow a pretty name for a pretty person" Jungkook says
" u like to flirt don't u"
"Well then I'm here so I can go back cause I reached home so bye"

Word count:337

Love u gays

Love is a peice of paper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora