Chapter 15

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"Powers..." You narrowed your eyes at the group who stood in front of you. "Shouldn't I, like, create my superhero name and costume first?" You stood barefoot, wearing nothing but a bare of Jack's boxers and the hoodie he had loaned you the night before.

"Precisely!" North clapped his hands together loudly, ignoring your latter complaint, "You're a guardian. You clearly possess some sort of, uh, defense. Now, concentrate on...doing something."

You snorted, "Such detailed instructions." You closed your eyes, holding your hands out and waiting for something to happen.

"You look constipated-"

"-I will punch you." You interrupted Aster, lips twitching into a small smile when you heard his laughter.

"I got it for you."

Your eyes blinked open just in time to see Jack punching Aster's arm, causing him to fall over from his spot against the wall.

"Watch it, Snowman." The bunny warned, before turning to you, "Keep an eye on your dog, (Y/n)-"

"-Will you guys shut up! She's training." Tooth finally snapped, before sending you a grin, "Go ahead, Sweetheart."

You swallowed harshly before closing your eyes again and repositioning yourself. Everyone was quiet until you let out a loud groan. "I don't even know what I'm trying to do."

North hummed to himself before snapping, "Maybe we put you in a life threatening position, yes?"

Your eyes widened, "Hold your horses-"

"-Guardians..." North's nose scrunched, "Attack?"

Everyone stayed frozen, staring at North in confusion, before a smirking Jack walked to your side. You glared at him in warning. He stopped only a few inches from you, your breath fanning each other. He suddenly held his fingers to your waist, tickling your side. "Jack!" You squealed, trying to shove him away, but every step you took he followed. You tried to contain your giggles, slapping his chest in protest. "Stop, I'm going to pee!" Laughter began to fill the room as everyone stood back and watch. With your back against a pillar, tears began rolling down your face as you were left in a fit of silent laughter. You held your hands up as some sort of shield, and suddenly vines erupted from your palms, throwing Jack into the air. He landed against a pillar parallel to you, the vines wrapping around him and holding him in place. The room grew quiet, everyones eyes wide as they looked back and forth between you and Jack. "Oops."

"Magnificent!" North boomed.

Sandy jumped up and down, different symbols popping over his head-a question mark and flowers.

"Guardian of Spring..." Tooth beamed, "Of course. She has the power of nature."

"Awesome!" Jack sent you a set of finger guns, his arms pinned above his head, "Now can someone get me down?" You waved your hands in a horizontal line and the vines that clung to Jack fell limp, freeing him.

"Wicked." You mumbled, examining your hands. You twirled them in front of you and a flower developed in the air. You chuckled, holding the rose before throwing it into the air. The petals exploded everywhere, raining down. The guardians all gazed around in awe.

Jack waltzed to your side, throwing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. "Very." He gazed you up and down before letting out s 'think fast', shoving you away. You felt a snowball hit your face and you cringed at the coldness.

"You're an ass." You gasped, a smile forming on your face, "I'm going to get you back."

Jack jumped away, trying to escape and make another snowball, but you threw a vine in front of him, causing him to trip, his own snow nailing him in the face.

My Guardian / Jack Frost x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now