Height difference

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Golden Era

You're about four inches taller than her. Although your mother and father were rather short, you were tall. You didn't know why but you didn't really care. You didn't exactly care about the height difference between you two and neither did she, as long as you loved each other that's all that matter. She's 5'5 btw.

Fucking giant. Ginny grew up in a rather tall family. Her brothers and father being 6'5 and/or taller (most being under that height), she was also tall. You were both the same height until you both hit you're third years, then she towered over you. She would often tease you about it but that was it, she didn't see how height effected your relationship. She's 6'1 btw

You tower over her. Hints the part where you are scary, your height is a major aspect in it. It doesn't exactly bother either of you, in fact Luna thinks you being tall is cute and adores reaching to kiss you on her tippy toes. She's 5'5 btw

Your almost the same height only difference is the one inch. You both don't really care for height differences and never really noticed it. She's 5'7 btw

You being a Weasley height was big for you. You completely towered over her and she hated it so much that she started wearing heels more often. You didn't really care about height before you started dating but now it's one of the best things in your relationship to you. You being the Weasley you are, you just love teasing her about it and watching her get mad. But you slowed down on it a bit when you noticed Pansy actually getting upset and eventually stopping when she started getting insecure about it. She's 5'5 btw.

Marauder era

You were both about the same height, not that it mattered anyway. You both don't care because you both love each other unconditionally. It also didn't stop them from wanting to be little and big spoon. They're 5'8 btw.

Ah yes bella. She was taller than you. Although she would always tease and make fun of you for how short you were, she absolutely adored how small you were compared to her. Not that she'd admit it, but she really did. She would always glance down at you during a class period or while your walking together and it would make her entire week. She's 5'9 btw.

You were taller. Not only that but you didn't notice how tall you were exactly. You being a good six inches taller than her was something to her and she found it rather attractive, especially considering your a female/non-bionary. She would always find herself staring at you, from afar or up close, at your tall form as you did you daily activities or spoke with friends. But she hated when you would tease her about it and would always find a way to insult you, but it only made you laugh at her flustered/mad state. She's 5'6 btw.

You were taller. She didn't care though, she sought out your personality rather than your looks. You honestly couldn't give less of a fuck, you fell for her in your very first year for her looks at first but then when you heard stories about her, you fell even more and harder. Neither of you care about the height difference and you barely even notice it. She's 5'6 btw.

I know some of you aren't this tall but it's fanon so who cares🙄🤚🏼.

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