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Golden Era


She likes her personal space for some unknown reason

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She likes her personal space for some unknown reason. But you being the oddly clingy person you are, she has to make some sort of exception and allow you to touch her a little, whether it was you snuggling into her or your backs touching, she didn't mind as long as it wasn't too much. Sometimes she'll get a little cold a bring your hand up to hug her as well.


Ginny has always felt the need to protect you

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Ginny has always felt the need to protect you. She grew up in a family of boys who were always protective of her and now she has someone to do the  same with. And once you started dating Ginny part of that protectiveness from the boys moved from her to you. It would really hit when your vulnerable and asleep. So, she'd lay on top of you and make sure nothing could happen to you. You, of course, didn't mind.


Luna likes when you lay on top of her

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Luna likes when you lay on top of her. She doesn't have any good reason to other than the feeling of security and warmth when you lay on her. She also loves giving you head scratches.


You both were clingy and you'd both gladly admit it

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You both were clingy and you'd both gladly admit it. Not caring whose big or little spoon, you both didn't care as long as you were touching in some kind of way.


She gets pissed at you

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She gets pissed at you. A lot. When you don't get into the right position for you both to get comfortable she gets frustrated before turning and moving away from you. But then she loses the feeling of warmth and goes right back to you. Although she'd never admit it, Pansy is extremely clingy.

Marauder era


Ah yes, dearest Tonks

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Ah yes, dearest Tonks. They like to mess with you while you cuddle. Things like tickling and poking is what they would do when they were bored and tried to make you laugh. Of course they didn't do it while you were sleeping but still.


You'd both sleep in all different kinds of positions

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You'd both sleep in all different kinds of positions. Though you'd go to sleep barely touch, you'd wake up clinging to and wrapped around each other. And everyday it was a different position.


You both liked your space

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You both liked your space. But, like Bella, you always wake up touching somehow. And then once you both woke up, you would be cuddling for a long while, enjoying each others presence, until you were forced to get up.



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Face. To. Face. Lily likes really close contact, no matter how embarrassed or flustered you'd get, she loved it. It was a way of letting her know that you were there so you didn't really mind. And when you were face to face she feels safety for the both of you.

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