Chapter 27: Proofing

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The sounds of rounds clacking into magazines filled the room. We all had our own table to do our business. Field strip, reload magazines, and gather our supplies. I couldn't stop thinking about Wren. She mentioned a legend of something, apparently pertaining to me. I don't know what, could it be connected to the prophecy me and Moon had?
I doubt it. It's an old folktale for dragons and humans who live in cities.
How does it go?
"Um, Qibli? You know the old poem with the soldier, poet, and king?"
"The one Webb's always liked to sing?"
"Yes." She laughed. "That one."
Four people in this room smiled.
"Well... it goes like this."
"Oh no."
"Here we go."
Qibli materialized drums, and a guitar. A cheery jingle began to play as the instruments hung in the air. Qibli surprised me with his singing voice.
"There will-come a-soldier who carries a-mighty-sword,
He will-tear your city-down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord.
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord.
He will-tear your city-down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord."
The jingle continued.
"There will-come a-poet whose weapon is His word.
He-will slay-you with-His-tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord."
The squad began to join in now.
"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord"
"He-will slay-you with-His-tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord"
The men were patting their legs to the beat, smiles all around. The jingle gained energy. And then, Moon joined in.
"There will-come a-ruler whose brow is laid-in-thorn.
Smeared-with-oil like David's-boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord"
"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord"
"Smeared-with-oil like David's-boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord"
"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord"
"He will-tear your city-down, oh lei-oh lai... oooooooh!"
The rhythm changed, Qibli called us to action with his drums. They sung "oh lei" and "oh Lord." Qibli brought us to our toes dancing. We sang and danced, until he suddenly stopped. We all were looking to him as if the song went on longer. I had to catch Rossum, he was in mid-spin.
"That's it."
"That's it?"
"That's a great song, no wonder." No wonder it's so well known.
The squad agreed with McManis. We were all rolling over laughing. Even I felt a wholesome warmness growing in my chest. Grizzled soldiers, dancing to an upbeat beat. Never in a million years have I witnessed or even heard of that, and I was sure I were to never see it again.
Rounds were everywhere, but people were still smiling when they bent down to help pick up. That song, or rather, their reaction to the song, spurred something up in them. They became no less than a ragtag group of paratroopers, now more like a band of brothers looking out for one another. They smiled and hugged one another. The room had this bright, sunniness to it, a room full of positivity. And yet... I was the only one who hung onto some shades of darkness.
"Lieutenant?" Called McManis. He had finally noticed me standing over by the egg, watching it. "Are you okay officer?"
I looked over at him walking up.
"Yeah. I'm fine..."
"Then why the long face?"
I just kept staring, then broke into a neutral smile.
"I just... I needed a reminder of exactly what I'm fighting for. And you guys showed that to me again."
"Well... anytime Marvin."
Suddenly, a migraine engulfed me in a sharp pain.

Jade Mountain. The ship pounding away. The hill climb. My men holding. My men slipping. A loss, a defeat. Men and dragons bleeding out. Dragonets... shredded. Burning, fire, shrapnel. Death.

McManis caught me. I could never adjust to these visions.
"You okay Marvin?" Kish now asked, walking up.
"Yeah, I'm... fine. It's Jade Mountain again."
"That's the vision you keep seeing... right?" Kish asked, looking at Moon. She nodded in confirmation, and discomfort from the residual pain.
"Ya'know? Kish? I think the Lieutenant needs some positivity."
"Oh no." I already had an idea of what McManis was planning to do
"Oh, okay."
Now both McManis and Kish had those mischievous grins on.
"Come on, we're all still onboard right? Hand me those Skyfire."
"Wait what?"
McManis and Kish went around collecting the Skyfire stones. Just temporarily, but the action shocked me. Everyone gave them up willingly, just so that they could share their emotions with me. I was met with a warm blanket of happiness and contentment. The instant drew an open smile.
"Do you see now Lieutenant?"
I could do nothing but shake my head in disbelief. It has been so long. Too long. Especially since they left on bad terms. I... I... I... don't know what to think. Tears began to flood my eyes.
"Oh, Marvin." You big baby.
"What now?" Another vision?
"No, it's... tears of happiness." I tried wiping my smile away. Looking over to the men next to me. I shook my head in disbelief. "Thank you. Thank all of you." I don't deserve this. I don't deserve any of this.
"No. You do." Moon said walking up.
"What is it, Moon?" Kish asked.
"Marvin thinks he doesn't deserve this." She answered,
That put the whole squad in uproar when he relayed it.
"Marvin deserves everything he's getting."
The magnificent bastard, always looking to downplay himself.
Suddenly, I was engulfed in a hug. I looked down, Travers was hugging me. I reached my arms around him and hugged him back. Soon, I felt another body and a pair of arms. Then another. Then another. Soon we were just one big pile of good, just enjoying each other's company.
We weren't just a band of soldiers anymore. I saw it. They cared for one another. They didn't just respect each other, they truly loved one another like family. Like I loved them. Like Jesus loved them. I closed my eyes, just letting this feeling in. I didn't even notice the dragons enveloping us with their wings. Qibli's warmth, and Moonwatcher's peace.
We hugged. We hugged for a long time. It wasn't until a tiny little crackling noise pierced the silence muffled only by breathing.
"Alright. Thank you, guys. Fall out."
Another crackle. Now Kish noticed.
"Everyone! Fall out! Quickly!"
We all disbanded, and a wave of nervousness and confusion washed over me. I had to utilize Moon's raindrop truck in order to focus. I realized the sounds came from the egg. I moved up to inspect it. Qibli shadowed me, as I lifted up the blanket.
There, clear as day: a crack was forming at the top of the egg.

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