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it feels like i'm drowning
in my emotions
in my relationships
in my life

i've been drifting and floating
for years
just sitting and waiting
for something

i don't know
i don't know a lot of things
i don't know what i want in life
i don't know my purpose
i don't know what my life is for

i'm just stuck
in a world that doesn't have the time of day
for me
it seems like the clock keeps ticking
and i haven't changed a thing

i feel frozen
like ice has crawled up from my toes
and gone all the way up
i'm very confused

how is someone supposed to progress?
without knowing who they want to progress too
i don't understand it
i just wish i could do more
in every aspect of my life

i have a friend who's hurting right now
i can't help her
at least
not as much as i wish i could
it hurts

everywhere i look
there are people i know
doing well
being happy knowing what they want
from life

i'm not like that
i wish i could be
but it's not that easy
i just
want to know my purpose

i feel useless
like i have no reason
like i don't have a point to reach
like i'm just biding my time
until i leave

i don't want that though
i don't want my family to hurt
i don't want my friends to hurt
i want to live
i just don't know how

i feel stuck

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