9. Overdose

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Warning: Mature content

Wen Kexing lifted his fan to shade himself from the sun as he glanced up at the hospital building. He had searched several hospitals in Hangzhou and he wasn't even half-way through, but he was still hopeful.

He entered the building and a whiff of cold air splashed across his face, he folded the fan and stuttered to explain to the reception nurses whom he was looking for, yet they could barely understand his broken words.

"I am sorry sir, there is no 'A-Xu' in here..." The nurse gave Wen Kexing an apologetic look.

Wen Kexing could almost faint. It was midsummer and the heat seeped into his veins, boiling his blood. He had been awake and running for two days without food or any form of nutrition. He felt lightheaded and quickly leaned against the counter, the lack of food and sleep taking its toll on his mind and body. "I-... Give me a minute." He rubbed his temples, trying his best to stay awake and aware, "Zhou Zishu," He whispered, "his name, Zhou Zishu... Please, check again."

The nurse sighed and clicked the mouse again, lazily scrolling through the names. "Yes, yes. We do have this patient," She looked up at Wen Kexing worriedly, "Room 203... Are you okay sir?"

"He's here?!" Wen Kexing grinned, despite the unhealthy exhaustion evident on his face, "Thank you, thank you!"

He couldn't wait for the crowded elevator to arrive. He took the stairs, searching restlessly through the hallways, bumping into doctors and nurses, his eyes skimming room numbers as he passed by each door. And then finally, here it was, room 203.

Wen Kexing was grateful that the door wasn't closed, he reached slowly and pushed it open with his palm, the beats of his own heart ringing louder than the beeps of the machines inside the room. He took few light steps in to see A-Xu lying unconscious, tubes and unnecessary hospital materials attached to his body all over. Han Ying was sleeping on a chair across the bed, his head resting unstably on his hand. He seemed lost in deep sleep despite the uncomfortable position.

Wen Kexing approached quietly, holding his breath lest he'd wake up the two. He traced the back of his finger over A-Xu's sleeping face, savoring the familiar feeling against his skin. "A-Xu..." He whispered, heart aching with every syllable. "I'm sorry..." How did it come to this? Why?

"Thank the heavens you're here." Han Ying spoke, "He wouldn't let me contact you..." He walked quickly to Wen Kexing's side, "thank the heavens you're here! Never let him go again, I beg you."

"I-..." Wen Kexing hiccupped few sobs, "I tried... I tried to find him, keep him- He never-"

Han Ying grabbed Wen Kexing's hand, pleading. "I know he can be cold, but he's been through so much! So much! And he's afraid, he's refused to trust anyone after..." He paused and bit his lip, "don't blame him, don't hold a grudge. He loves you so much, way more than he ever loved anyone." Han Ying squeezed Wen Kexing's hand, "Please help him, I beg you, never let him go... If I could do anything to relieve his illness, I would... but you're the only one who could."

"Even if he doesn't love me, I wouldn't-"

"He loves you!" Han Ying cried, "The only reason he left is because he was hurt! You were the only one he trusted after-" He stopped again, "He thought your feelings were just a mere obsession, because what he sought was love, not an obsession! Do you understand?!"

Wen Kexing glanced at A-Xu with tenderness, "I made a mistake and he endured the consequences... But I'm here now, and he won't go anywhere without me." He sighed regretfully, turning back to Han Ying, "What do you mean I'm the only one he trusted after...? After what?"

Han Ying hesitated for a while and sat back down, contemplating whether he should speak out or not. The results had already to come to this, what's there to hide? He inhaled and took a tissue, wiping his leftover tears. "Few years ago, his father gave his cousin the highest position in the company which was originally Zishu's."

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