7. Fine Wine

873 99 191

Warning: Mature content.

Wen Kexing woke up in A-Xu's arms. In A-Xu's arms, in A-Xu's arms... He never thought he'd have this privilege in reality. They had both fallen asleep last night in each other's arms. Warm, safe, sound.

He fixed the blanket over them both and snuggled closer to A-Xu, his familiar scent blessing his senses with tenderness. Blessing... He thought. Was that curse really a curse? Or a blessing? It gave him A-Xu, it gave him a reality with A-Xu and he wasn't cursed, he was blessed.

A-Xu shifted beside him and muttered something in his sleep, tightening his arms around Wen Kexing like he was afraid to let go, even when he was with him in his own bed. Wen Kexing never felt safer than now in A-Xu's embrace. "A-Xu..." He whispered, "let this not be a vision of mine..."

"Lao Wen..." A-Xu spoke, his chin moving against Wen Kexing's head, "it's not a vision."

"Did I wake you?" Wen Kexing almost panicked for disturbing A-Xu's sleep. "I'm sorry."

"Shh." A-Xu shushed him gently, brushing his fingers through Lao Wen's dark hair, "I haven't slept so peacefully in a long time..."

Wen Kexing wanted to cry, cry and hope that A-Xu would wipe his tears of happiness with his tender touch. "If death should take me now, I'm willing to die right here in your arms." He whimpered, hugging A-Xu tighter, "I've never felt happier, A-Xu..."

"Do not speak of death." A-Xu scolded softly.

Wen Kexing laughed quietly and sat up, wiping the few tears from the corners of his eyes, "Are you hungry? I'll make you breakfast." He tied his hair up and slid off the bed, "sleep until then, I'll wake you when it's done."

A-Xu smiled contently, hugging the pillow instead of Wen Kexing after his arms felt empty, "make it delicious."

Wen Kexing checked the clock above the kitchen counter to see that it was quite early. He had been planning to go back home last night and work on his piece until morning, yet he was not complaining at all for staying the night here. He took his time preparing a rich breakfast for his A-Xu, excited to make him taste another dish of his specialty. "A-Xu!" He called from the kitchen, sprinkling some salt over the food, "Breakfast is ready!" He grabbed the juice from the fridge-

"Lao Wen..Ah.. How come you're so tight," A-Xu moved his fingers inside Wen Kexing, "You've never been fucked before, have you?"

"A-Xu...Ahh..." Wen Kexing moaned, clenching around A-Xu's fingers, "Please... I need you now... I need you inside."

"You're so needy, you're insane." A-Xu pulled out his fingers and pressed his thumb over Wen Kexing's entrance, "I wonder how your skin feels-"

"Lao Wen?!" A-Xu shook him, "Lao Wen!" He frowned, "look at the mess you made!"

Wen Kexing needed a few seconds to gather himself, "I...Uh..." He looked down, neglecting the fruity mess on the floor, widening his eyes at the bulge in his pants, "Shit!"

"Wen Kexing! What the fuck!" A-Xu yelled when his eyes caught the shameless sight. "Have you been cooking or mast-"

"No!" Wen Kexing pulled his shirt down, "It's not what you think! I promise, I swear!" He explained anxiously. "It's- It's- a vision! A vision!"

"A vision?" A-Xu asked doubtfully, "You get those visions as well?"

"I-Uh..." Wen Kexing pushed A-Xu away from the mess on the floor and grabbed a mop, "I-I get them... sometimes..." He proceeded to mop the juice of the floor.

"Sometimes? You've gotten such vision before?" A-Xu asked, raising an eyebrow, "Is it of me and you?"

"The last time I got such vision was you and-" He suddenly stopped mopping and froze, expression unreadable, "Nevermind."

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