3. Go Away!

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Warning: Mature content

Wen Kexing leaned against Zhou Zishu's palm, almost refusing to let his hand go. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me..." He whispered, "You can do whatever you want to me or say whatever you like, call me insane or crazy, I don't care..." He closed his eyes, holding A-Xu's hand with both of his own, closer to his face. "Just let me stay like this for a while..."

"Who's there?" A-Xu asked, trying to remove his hand from the strong grip, but Wen Kexing only held it tighter.

"Whoever it is, it doesn't matter..." Wen Kexing had a million things to tell and a thousand questions to ask, but right now, none of those mattered anymore. The broken sculptures and the months of wasted hard work didn't matter, A-Xu's earlier harsh words didn't matter, the visions didn't matter, his sanity or insanity didn't matter; nothing mattered except A-Xu's touch, his touch was the only thing that mattered.

He was real, the A-Xu in his visions existed in reality. He could see him, hear him, touch him and feel his warmth. He was warmer than the sculptures and Wen Kexing fought the urge to pull him and taste his warm lips- warm, soft and real lips.

"I think I should go." A-Xu said, trying to break free from Wen Kexing's grip. "Let me go..."


Wen Kexing heard the foreign voice but didn't bother to open his eyes to see who intruded. "Shh...It doesn't matter..." He muttered again. He felt much more lucid and stable now that the real A-Xu was here. For once and to his surprise, he could finally distinguish reality from illusion.

"Han Ying?!" A-Xu called, glancing backwards, failing to push Wen Kexing away from him. "Let me go, you idiot!"

Wen Kexing opened his eyes to look at A-Xu fondly, completely neglecting the insult and the third presence, a faint smile painted on his lips. "You're real, you're here, stay." He suddenly pulled A-Xu into his arms, hugging him tight, nuzzling his head into his neck, inhaling his scent. "I never knew how you smelled like until now..." He whispered, thinking of ways to keep him in his arms, in his reality, not just in his visions.

Zhou Zishu pushed Wen Kexing back roughly, hard enough to transport him few feet away from him. "You're crazy!" He yelled, looking at Wen Kexing up and down, rolling his eyes in annoyance and maybe disgust.

Wen Kexing felt betrayed, his A-Xu had never treated him this way before. In his visions, A-Xu was always the one who embraced him first; however, although this A-Xu in front of him had a warm touch, just like the one in his visions, yet his words still felt like ice frostbiting Wen Kexing's heart. "A-Xu..." He furrowed his brows, not daring to take a step forward. "Why did you push me...?" He asked softly.

"A-Xu?" Han Ying was as confused and confounded as one could get. "Zishu... who is this man? Why is he calling you A-Xu?" He approached, scanning the surrounding mess, his eyes flashing flares of hurt and jealousy. "What is this place and why are you here at this time?"

"Why did you follow me?" Zhou Zishu asked, "go back."

"I was worried about you..." Han Ying massaged Zhou Zishu's arm gently, trying to comfort him despite the discomfort in his own heart, "you weren't feeling well earlier..."

Wen Kexing's surprised expression was replaced by worry. "Why? What do you feel? Are you ill?" He gripped A-Xu's shoulders, moving him away from Han Ying's space, "Who are you?!" He glared at Han Ying, taking A-Xu's wrist to bring him closer to his side, as if he was claiming his territory.

Han Ying suspiciously eyed the short distance between the two men, particularly staring at Wen Kexing's hand on Zhou Zishu's wrist, "May I ask, who are you?"

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