The Tricksters Twin

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Genre: no romance for sure

Scenario: Idiotic Twins

Fem reader

Title: Troublemakers


2 troublemakers were a pain for every God, Loki and y/n. Being the younger sister of the trickster god had its limits though and Loki made sure to put a limit to her pranks.

Y/n pranks almost everyone and get away with it by blaming it on Loki, in the end, Odin would scold the younger one for it.

But, today was going to be fun. Y/n had a little prank up her sleeve for the thunder god, Loki attempted to trick thor but only ended up being chased around by thor and Mjölnir. Both siblings had the same idea but didn't know.

Y/n grinned as she looked in the mirror, she looked exactly like Poseidon. Unlike her brother, y/n could only transform into someone for an hour so she had to make the best of it, Transformation takes a toll on her stamina.

Thor and Loki were just walking around...well Loki was annoying thor and trying to get him to talk. Loki planned to 'cut' Thor's hair and blame it on y/n, but he had to be smart to do so.

Their plans were gonna go down by a certain someone.

Y/n held Poseidon's character in place, but keeping a tired look was irritating, she can barely see since it was a little blurry. Transforming into Poseidon was to get through everyone and not having to talk to anyone, next up was Transforming into Loki.

As soon as y/n spotted the 2 males, she Transformed as she got closer, levitating above the ground looked simple but to was not.

"Y/n I told you to stop doing that." Y/n pointed her finger at her brother, Loki turned around and saw an exact image of him. "I'm not y/n!" He huffed, y/n grinned "my dear sister, we both know who is the best at transformation and it's me~"

Thor stared at the 2, wondering who was who, after all these twins were almost the same. It was difficult to point out who was Loki and Y/n. Thor watched the 2 chases each other around him, throwing hit at each other, both stopped and faced each other.

"If you are Loki, then who is your victim in every prank!"

"If you are Y/n, then who is your victim in every prank!"

2 bright flashing lights blinded Thor, that was something he couldn't stand.

Once the smoke had cleared, Loki was disguised as thor while y/n was a kid version of Poseidon. Thor still couldn't point it out and both are great liars and could get away with anything!

"If you were Loki, you would know that Thor is my victim!" Loki laughed, y/n looked at her arms and legs...she messed up. "Damn it! I was confident that I can do Thor!" Y/n huffed. "Haha! I know that you only have an hour when shape-shifting into someone else, but you get stuck in one form for the entire day!" Loki laughed, it was amusing to see y/n stuck in Poseidon's kid form. Y/n's eyes twitched, now this was sorta getting out of hand.

Y/n grinned, she floated behind thor and grabbed his hair....and cut it, forgetting to grab the fake hair. Then someone grabbed Loki's hair, intimidating aura surrounded the 4.

", I think you should start running while you can.." Loki nervously laughed, smoke surrounded Loki and revealed y/n.

Loki turned back to his form at stared at y/n, "I think you need to run first..." he slowly floated higher, far enough where Thor could reach him.

Y/n slowly brought her hand back to feel who was holding a death grip on her hair, the first thing her hand felt was a glove.

She nervously smiled, y/n knew who it was.

"Hey, Poseidon....can you do me a favour and let go of my hair?" Y/n told the grumpy god, hoping he would let go. Y/n was slowly starting to feel the pain in her head, she clenched her jaw.

Plan A: beg Poseidon to let go.
Plan B: ask Thor to help her.
Plan C: cry and scream.
Plan D: shapeshift and get stuck.

Y/n was debating on which choice, Poseidon turned her around to face him. Thor had his hammer, ready to hit Loki.

Poseidon moved her closer and...y/n spit in his face, releasing y/n from his hold. Y/n took the opportunity and flew up to her brother. The twins smiled, "we hope you can forgive us." They said. Poseidon and Thor threw their weapons at them but it was too late, the twins have already disappeared.

Loki and y/n were somewhere in the forest and they didn't know where either. Y/n felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, lazily smiled and leaned against the nearest tree. "That was fun...but I'm tired now." She sighed, Loki sat down on the grass, today was quite eventful.

"I agree, but now we're gonna have to wait out here for a while now... it's your fault though." Loki crossed his arms, y/n looked at her brother "no it wasn't! It was yours! You cut Thor's hair!" She pointed her finger at him.

"And you did something to anger that tired old fart! Now they're both after our head!" He yelled, y/n raised her eyebrow "what did I even do to make him mad?" She asked herself. Then it hit her, she had hidden his trident a couple of days ago.

"You both are annoying."

Y/n turned to the side and saw a furious Poseidon and Thor, y/n stood up and wobbled over to her brother. "Do you know anywhere else to go? Where they won't find us?" Y/n whispered, Loki grabbed her arm and disappeared somewhere else.

Wrong idea and what an absolute dumbass they both were.

They had appeared in front of Odin, who was not pleased to see them after hearing what happened. Y/n smiled "I think this is the right time to pass out." Then passed out, Loki caught his sister and smiled at Odin.

"Before you even point the finger at me let me say a couple of things in my defence, it wasn't my idea nor plan to cut Thor's hair."




In the end, Loki and y/n were tied to each other's back tightly and argued when y/n woke up.

° Hope, You Liked It °

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