Poseidon x Reader ♡

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Genre: fluff

Fem reader

Title: Worthy of his love.


Time passes by fast, the ocean was calming. Poseidon decided to come to the ocean and wait for her, hoping he would see her.

It had been years since he had seen her, he couldn't blame her for that. Poseidon was one of the most feared gods, he was cold-hearted. But, he still had a heart. He has emotions as well, emotions he'd never show to anyone.

• Past •

Poseidon was sitting on a rock, watching the scenery. He was at least 10 at the time, he was a quiet kid and only spoke if it was important to him.

"You can come out now," he called out, the sound of water splashing was heard.

A little girl who looks to be the same age, her ears were slightly pointed. Poseidon thought it was some low-life human, knowing it was a different sea creature eased his worry.

"Looks like you caught me." She laughed, Poseidon stared at her with no emotion.

"I'm y/n, what's your name?" She asked, Poseidon glared at her.

"Poseidon." His tone was cold, he only wanted to be left alone. Y/n moved a little closer to the rock, she was curious about why he stared at the ocean and said nothing.

Y/n held her hand out to him, Poseidon stared at her hand. "Do you want to come to swim?" She asked, he slowly grabbed her hand and slid off the rock.

Y/n went underwater, Poseidon did the same. Y/n pulled him deeper into the water, "have you been in the ocean before?"

"I prefer staying on the surface than in water and reading." He sighed, "you're a kid, live a little." Y/n sighed. Poseidon scoffed and pulled his hands back "why do you care so much about what I do?" He demanded

Y/n slightly frowned "you can make friends if you keep that attitude.". Poseidon crossed his arms and glared " so what, I don't need friends."

Y/n smiled and shook her head, she found his temper amusing. 10 years old and he acts like he's older than her.

"Who will be there when you're hurt? Who will be the one to comfort you when you feel sad? Who will be by your side when no one will?" Y/n crossed her arms, Poseidon didn't say anything.

Poseidon stared at her and frowned, it was true. People tried to befriend him but he ignored them and soon enough, everyone left him alone.

"Since you have no friends whatsoever, I'll be your first friend!" She exclaimed and held her hand out, Poseidon softly smiled and took her hand. Y/n took him to various places and took him to see many things, Poseidon was truly amazed by everything.

Being a god made him believe that he didn't need anyone or anything.

For the whole day, y/n and Poseidon played in the ocean. Laughing and telling each other about different sea creatures, Poseidon enjoyed his time with her. He never wanted to end, this was the most fun he had.

When they reached their teens, everything changed. Poseidon grew more cold-hearted and his temper was worse, y/n was always kind to him. She didn't mind if spoke he spoke a little to her, as long she got to be by his side.

Then, Poseidon stopped coming, y/n waited and waited for him almost every day. Then years passed and he never came, y/n still went back.

• The present •

Poseidon shook his head in disappointment, he should have seen this coming. He found her worthy of his love and time, worthy of being beside him.

"You sigh too much."

Poseidon lifted his head and saw y/n smiling at him, he slid down the rock and hugged her. Fearing that she would disappear, y/n hugged him back.

"I'm sorry for not coming back." He mumbled, y/n released herself from his grasp and crossed her arms. "But, I kept my word and came back every day. Waiting and waiting for you, hoping that you'd showed up." Y/n softly spoke, she grew more than the last time he saw her.

"At least you came back to me, safe and sound." She confessed Poseidon smiled.

"Maybe having someone by your side is not so bad." He admitted

It was rushed but I did my best.

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