Isaac looked up at the mysterious clown man, "W-we're friends?" he stuttered.

Jack looked at the boy while cocking an eyebrow, "FRIENDS? We're BEST friends! I was specially created to be YOUR not-so-imaginary friend, Isaac."

Isaac's jaw dropped, "You know my name?"

Jack let out a whimsical laugh, "Of course I know your name! I know everything about you! So, now that the introductions are out of the way... How would you like to play a game of I Spy?"

Isaac grinned from ear to ear, "REALLY? We can play games? I'd LOVE to! I-... Oh..."

He paused, "I-I cant... I have to go downstairs to see mother for homeschooling and chores..." his smile faded into a look disappointment.

Jack placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder and with a warm smile said, "It's okay! I'll be waiting right here for you when you get back." Isaac's smile returned as he looked up at his new friend. Just then, he heard his mother's shrill voice calling him from downstairs.

"Well I gotta go! I'll see you after I'm done, okay Jack?" He said as he headed toward the door.

Jack smiled, "Absolutely kido! Oh, and Isaac!"

Isaac looked back at Jack, who gave him a wink and said, "You should wear that smile more often. It suits you."

Isaac grinned happily as he turned and walked out the door.

All day Isaac told his mother about the amazing colorful clown man who came out of a magical box that appeared on the foot of his bed. His mother, however, did not believe a word of it. Finally, he persuaded his mother to follow him up to his room so she could behold Laughing Jack for herself. They walked up the stairs and Isaac swung open the door to his room.

"See mother? He's right he-..." Isaac paused as he scanned the room that contained neither magical dancing clown man, nor mysterious wooden box. Isaac's mother was not amused. She gave Isaac a glare so menacing it made his knees weak and his stomach sick.

"B-but mother... he was-" SMACK! Isaac's mother delivered onto him a swift, hard smack across his face. His eyes began to tear up, and his lip began to quiver as he could feel himself about to break down.

"YOU STUPID ISOLANT CHILD! How DARE you lie to me about such childish idiocy! Who would want to be friends with a useless worm such as you?! You shall remain in your room for the rest of the evening, and shall receive no dinner... Now what do you say you ungrateful wretch?"

Isaac managed to swallow the knot in his throat in order mutter a reply, "T-thank you mam." His mother glared down at him for a moment before leaving the room in disgust.

Isaac kneeled over, burying his face in the side of his bed. Streams of tears ran down his cheeks as he began to weep. "What's wrong kido?" a voice called out. Isaac looked over to the edge of the bed, where Laughing Jack was now suddenly sitting beside him.

"Wh-where were you?" Isaac murmured.

Jack ran his hand through Isaac's hair to comfort him as he softly replied, "I was hiding... I can't let your parents see me... Otherwise they won't let us play anymore." Isaac wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Look kido, I'm sorry I had to hide, but I'll make it up to you! Because tonight we can play games and have tons of fun!" Jack said, smiling.

Isaac looked up at his vibrant pal and silently nodded, as a little smile began to form in the corners of his mouth. That night, Laughing Jack and Isaac played so many fun games. With a wave of his hand, Jack made all of Isaac's tin solders spring to life and march around the room. Isaac was amazed as he watched his toys move around the room on their own. Then, Laughing Jack and Isaac told each other spooky ghost stories. Isaac asked Jack if he was a ghost, but Jack explained that he was more of a cosmic entity, of sorts. At the end of the night, Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out an assortment of delicious candy. Isaac was in ecstasy when he popped the first colorful treat in his mouth, as it was his first time tasting something so sweet. Isaac had so much fun and laughed so hard that night that things seemed to be finally looking up for little Isaac... At least, until the incident that occurred three months later...

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