After It All

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I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the gods. I am not Rick Riordan or an ancient Greek person who started the myths of the gods. I am a fanfiction writer with an overly-imaginative brain.

As I said in the description (assuming you read it) this is a one-shot showing the events after 'Perseus, God of Natural Disasters'.

This will be a collection of short stories, showing various things, stories and characters.


Percy and Apollo were trying to get some sleep since apparently their little angel (nightmare) doesn't understand the concept of night-time.

It wasn't going well, they'd got a total of 3 hours of sleep, not in a row. Broken into a few minutes each time.

The little screamer had started up again.

Percy tried to drown out the noise with his husbands steady heartbeat. Apollo was fast asleep, wearing soundproof headphones and probably listening to rain sounds.

"Maybe if I don't do anything she'll go back to sleep," Percy whispered to himself since Apollo was dead to the world.

Their daughter did not stop screaming.

Ah well, you can't get everything in life.

The loyalty god groaned and pushed himself off the bed. Landing on his back on the floor, hoping that would knock him out so he could actually get some sleep. He felt like he hadn't slept since he was mortal, and that was about 30 years ago! Or maybe it was 45? Time worked differently on him now that he was immortal, entire months just slipping by in the blink of an eye. He could never keep track of the time, never mind what year it was. If he wanted to know he should ask Apollo but he couldn't because Sunshine was busy sleeping.

That god remembered everything, especially everything embarrassing Percy did before he actually kissed him for the first time at that party. Ah the good old days when he didn't have a 1 year old screaming at him 24/7.

Take his advice, do not have an immortal baby. They sleep even less that a regular one and can scream twice as loud.

So don't, just don't.

You will feel insane.

You will go insane.

Percy had even taken his daughter to a mortal doctor to see if she was teething early. It turned out that she was not and was just taking after her parents.

By being very dramatic and attention seeking.

Or maybe she was taking after Zeus, after all he was Apollo's Dad.

Hopefully his daughter wasn't taking after Zeus that would be a nightmare.

Percy could already imagine a five year old Selena wearing a crown too big for her head, a lavish cape swinging from her shoulders as she sat in a throne of gold. Thundering about not getting to eat the last cookie and about the everyday problems of her life (hint, the problems include bedtime). Moaning on and on about not being allowed to eat sweets before dinner.

It would be hilarious and the comparison was really good. Zeus was a 5 year old. How did no one realise this before? Thats probably why he threw a hissy fit when his masterbolt was stolen. To be fair ol' Zuzu probably saw the Masterbolt as a chew toy.

Then again that comparison might be seen as offensive to 5 year olds.

By now Percy already had his adorable daughter in his arms. While he was thinking he wasn't just standing there with a stupid look on his face, he was multi-tasking.

After it AllWhere stories live. Discover now