One scar for the first homophobic little jerk, and one each for his besties, yay

Comenzar desde el principio

"Lets just say he's not that good in bed." Nico, honest to all the bloody gods, at that moment, would have killed Draco Malfoy. But he couldn't, not right now, at least.

"You know, Malfoy," Nico said, willing his sword to be visible as he trailed it down the blonde boy's face, "I really, and I mean, really want to kill you. I always will want to kill you. But, unfortunately, at the moment I'm not allowed to. Becuase, you see, I'm on a very important mission, one that I can't mess up. But, you see, this mission of mine, well, it won't last forever. Remeber that, next time you even look at Will. And to help you remember. . ." Nico let the blade press into Malfoy's flawless skin, just enough to leave a scar, dragging it down from his temple the just over the corner of his mouth.

"And don't bother thinking that I won't kill you, I've killed before." Nico turned to walk away but paused when he heard someone yell in a shaky voice,

"Avada kedavra!" Nico turned just in time for a bolt of green to hit him in the chest, hit him and dissapear.

Nico looked up to see Malfoy's wand out, wound bleeding and soaking his robs and blonde hair. He was shaking, his mouth open, staring at Nico.

Nico, who started to laugh.

"You can't kill me." Nico said plainly,

"Ho--how?" Draco croaked, stumbling back.

"That spell was made to send you to death, to kill you. Well, I can't be killed. I know Death, you know. He's a close, personal friend, and, well, you don't want someone who is basically the son of death on your bad side. But, I guess it's already too late for that."

This time Nico let the shadows take him, knowing that if he was around Draco Malfoy for any longer someone would end up dead.

And it wouldn't be Nico.


Will was in the astronomy room when Nico found him, eyes fixated on the sun.

"Do you ever wonder," WIll started, without turning around, "If our dads see everything we do and what happens to us, and just choose not to interfear?" Nico sat down beside his boyfriend, turning to face him.

"Yes," he said sternly, making Will flinch at his answer, "But I think they don't do anything because they know what has to happen. They know who we have to become to do certain things. The things we were meant to do." Nico turned his attention to the sky, not looking directly at the sun as Will was but admiring the way the clouds formed across the sky, creating un-creatable patterns.

"Besides," Nico added, breaking the silence, "I don't think your dad saw what happed, he's a mortal remeber?" Will turned to Nico, Nico who met his eyes clamly.

"Wha-- I--no--how?" Will spluttered, cheeks hot.

"I found out," Nico purposely left out it was Malfoy himself who told him.

A very stupid move on the wizard's part, "Do you, um, want to talk about it?" Will didn't answer right away, he didn't move, but a tear rolled down his cheek.

Nico wanted to brush it away but didn't let himself.

After what could have been hours of silence Will finally nodded, "Yes." He croaked.

Nico turned to his boyfriend again, waiting patiently.

"They, uh, didn't, you know, put anything in me. It was jjust, touching." Nico kept his anger under control, a thing, under normal circumstances, he would have been very proud of.

But then again if this had been 'normal circumstances' they wouldn't have been having this coversation at all, let alone at the top of a school for wizards.

But Nico still made a mental note to give Malfoy's goons matching scars.

"He- he, bit me." Nico knew he was shaking, he tried to focus all his attention on a tree, on the edge of the forest.

They were very lucky they weren't on any grass. The tree was dead within moments.

Nico couldn't bring himself to fell bad.

"It was Malfoy who told me, he did it right? Him and his friends?" Will nodded and Nico stood up, an entire patch of trees in the forest was dead now.

"Excuse me, I just need to go, um, kill something, preferably a bastard of a wizard and his two besties." Nico growled, but before he could reach the step Will caught his hand.

"Please don't, Neeks." Will basically pleaded, Nico had never seen him look this fragile.

"I won't," Nico sighed, deflating, "But only if you say not to. I would do anything for you William Solace." Will's smile seemed to break across his face, shattering all the pain.

The pain was still there, but at that moment Nico only saw that smile.

A/N -

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Word count: 1377

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