Chapter 2

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It got to about 4 o'clock last night and I was still asleep. I woke up to Tom shaking me and shouting.


Me: "shhhhhh"


Me: "SHIT. Why didn't you wake me???"

Tom: "you better not be serious"

Me: "get out I'll meet you downstairs in 15"

Tom: "hurry"

Tom left and I searched through my suitcase and pulled on coulduroy trousers with a simple white blouse which was creased but I had no time. I literally threw on some make up and just kept it natural before having to brush my teeth with my finger. It was better than nothing. I ran down the hallway to the lift and through the lobby to Tom.


Me: "who am I meeting right now??"


Me: "oh shittttt"

Tom: "exactly"

We made it with 3 minutes to spare. I don't know how we did it. We ran through the building and the door was in sight until I was knocked to the floor.

"Shit, sorry! Let me help you up"

I took the hand and saw Sebastian Stan.

Tom: "right yeah we get the gist Seb meet Daisy she's auditioning for your love interest"

Seb: "your auditioning??"

Me: "oh um yeah. Why?"

Seb: "it's just your gorgeous"

Me: "thank you" felt my cheeks go warmer obviously I was blushing.

Tom: "hey we have somewhere to be"

Me: "right sorry. Bye!"

Seb: "bye!"

I walked away letting go of his hand that was still in mine. Turns out Sebastian was going to the same room. I hope he isn't there during it I'll be so much more nervous. I can't believe Sebastian fucking Stan called me gorgeous!! Me?!

"Daisy Holland"

Tom: "right, good luck go smash it!!"

Me: "thank you, Tom"

After I'd finished the scene they gave me I noticed Sebastian was staring at me. I couldn't help but smile.

"That was amazing! We're going to have you do a scene with Sebastian now see what the chemistry between you is like"

Me: "okay"

We did the scene which cut off just before our characters were going to kiss. I walked out to Tom with a smile on my face.

Tom: "sooo???"

Me: "they'll call me"

Tom: "you've got it trust me, now let's get you a toothbrush"

----time skip-----

The next day. Me and Tom had gotten into one of our stupid, hyper moods and started running around the hallways on the hotel.

Tom: "truth or dare Daisy"

Me: "dare"

Tom: "go knock on that door and run when they open it"

Me: "fine"

I walked up to the door he pointed at that read '302' and knocked. I waited when the door open I ran off down the hallway and turned the corner crashing to the floor.

She's like an angel// Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now