Chapter 1

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: smut, rape, abuse, swearing, cancer, seizures.

/// starts in 2018 \\\

I straddled his lap making out with him. His hands wandered from the top of my thighs to my hips. His hands wander all over my body as mine stay wrapped around his neck feeling him grow underneath me. His lips part from mine as his lips connect to my neck finding my sweet spot.

His lips kissed up and down my neck leaving occasional purple marks, soft moans escape my mouth.  I throw my head back as he continues to leave hickeys all over my neck.

Me: "I love you"

Him: "I love you too"

You can imagine where that went next. Let's just say it was the best night of my life. Doesn't take much mind my life's been pretty shitty until now but oh my god that was amazing. Let's go back about a year and a half to how all this started.

- Tom Holland POV -

I sat in another boring never ending avengers meeting I just wanted to start filming. I want to get back and see Daisy, paddy, my mum everyone but I love filming just wished they all could come with me. I was barely concentrating on what he was saying. Could be anything.

"So we need a new actress to play a new big role being Sebastians character Bucky Barns' love interest. Casting starts next week"

Me: "WAIT! I know someone who is perfect for it!!"

"How quickly could you get her here??"

Me: "she can be on a flight over by tomorrow"

"Perfect. What's her name? Age?"

Me: "Daisy Holland. 20"

"Great get her here"

Me: "I will!!"

I rushed out and scrambled through my phone looking for her contact. After a couple anxious rings she finally answers.


Daisy: "hello to you too, Tom. How are you?"

Me: "great and everything whatever you need to get on the next flight out to LA"

Daisy: "WHAT?! Why??!"

Me: "I'm close to getting you a big role as Bucky barns love interest"

Daisy: "........."


Daisy: "what? Oh right! I don't have enough money, Tom"

Me: "I'll pay for it just get here!!!"

Daisy: "okay,okay thank you so much!!!"

Me: "I know I'm amazing aren't I?"

Daisy: "the best!! Thank youuuuu"

Me: "alright alright enough now when's the next flight"

Daisy: "one in 4 hours"


Daisy: "I am I am. See you in just under 15 hours"

Me: "I'll meet you at the airport text me when you've landed"

Daisy: "okay, bye Tom!!"

- Daisy POV -

I scrambled through my flat throwing whatever I find that seemed useful into my suitcase. I couldn't believe it. I could kick start my career AND be SEBASTIAN STANS love interest!!!! When I'd filled it with what I thought I'd need I rushed out of my flat and into the taxi I managed to book. I phoned Nikki on the way to the airport.

Nikki: "Hi sweetheart"

Me: "Hi!!!"

Nikki: "What's got you all cheery??"


Nikki: "oh my god!! Congratulations, sweetheart!! You deserve it!!!"

Me: "thank you!! I'll phone you when I've landed"

Nikki: "okay, sweetheart. Good luck!!"

Me: "thank you"

Normally I'm anxious about flying from London because of the crowds. I don't do well in crowds but I was so excited I couldn't possibly concentrate on that right now. My life's finally going up.

On the plane I couldn't sleep one bit. I had maybe 10 minutes. I messaged Tom as soon as I landed and he told me he was already there waiting. As I was getting off the plane I phoned Nikki not thinking what time it would be there.

Nikki: "hi, sweetheart"

Me: "hi!! Oh shit what time is it there?? Sorry just phoned to say I've landed and on my way to get my bag and meet Tom"

Nikki: "it's fine, sweetheart. Have fun, don't get lost and don't be nervous your amazing"

Me: "thank you, see you when I get back!!"

I managed to get my suitcase after some woman was adamant it was hers. I didn't back down I knew it was mine and knew I wasn't 'mistaken'. I walked away suitcase in hand going to find Tom.


I turned to the left and saw Tom waving. I dropped my suitcase and ran to him hugging him.

Tom: "someone's trying to take your suitcase"

Me: "WHAT"

I broke out the hug and saw the same woman I marched over there and snatched it out her hand and walked back over to Tom.

Tom: "you ready??"

Me: "As I'll ever be!!"

Tom: "this is your start Daisy, I know it"

Me: "thank you again Tom"

Tom: "of course"

We got in the taxi to the hotel and Tom checked me in. The last 15 hours have been a blur and it's just hit me. I've been an extra on a couple tv shows and a few small parts in films but nothing that could be this big.

Tom: "do you have everything??"

Me: "yep!! Clothes, toiletries, make up, tooth- SHIT I forgot my toothbrush"

Tom: "we can go out tomorrow and get you one go asleep they want to meet you early tomorrow"

Me: "okay, might Tom see you tomorrow"

Tom left and I sat on my bed thoughts running through my mind. If I get this I could be the actress and singer I've always wanted to be. But not just that I'd be Sebastian freaking Stans love interest! I better get some sleep. Don't know if I'll be able to but I should at least try.

She's like an angel// Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now