My second day of school part three

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I must've fallen asleep...

I woke up to chip dude poking my cheek and eating his chips loudly in my ear.

I groan and open my eyes. "Please quit poking me...Its irritating."

He stops. 

I look to him and then I look around. "Where'd everybody go?"

He chuckled. "Everyone left already. Me and Shikamaru stayed to try and wake you up. Why did you fall asleep?"

I blink. "I was bored...." I say matter of factly.

I see him dead pan beside me and I laughed slightly.

Pineapple head open an eye and gave me a look. 

I think it was the first time anyone's ever heard me laugh even if its really nothing.

My eyes widen and I bolt out of my seat. "CRAP! I FORGOT ABOUT MY DAD!!!!" 

I wave bye to the two dudes and ran out to find my dad. 

We were supposed to go shopping again today. 

I think he was gonna treat me to some awesome barbeque.

I ran looking for my foster father.

I ran right into someone not looking where i was going.

I fall to the ground and rub my head. "Ow..."

I look up to find some guy with grey spikey hair reading a book called make out tactics and he had some mask on his lower face and a headband covering his eye.

I blink as he put his book away and lend me a hand.

I blush lightly as noone has ever helped me up from the ground after they bumped into me. 

It surprised me.

I actually had a small smile as he helped me. 

I brushed the dirt off of me and then bowed at the older man.

"Thank you mister. I didn't mean to bump into you. I was running around looking for my dad. He said we would be going shopping today for some clothes and stuff for me." I smile up at the man slightly.

He ruffles my hair and gives me a closed eye smile. "Your welcome. Im Kakashi Hatake. I was on my way to see Ibiki at the T&I building."

I blink and then smile a bit. "Ibiki's my dad! I can go with you right?" I gave him my best puppy eyes. 

I don't know why but when I do this not even angry villagers can stay mad at me. It's my best trick.

Kakashi chuckled and said. "Sure. Why not?"

I jump for joy and we walk towards the building. We didn't talk much but I liked it that way.

It's a good thing I ran into him. 


Cliffhangers rule!!!!!!!!

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