Chapter 14. 'Introduction and Mitesh Sir!'

Start from the beginning

"Off course! Go ahead!" He says smiling.

"If your teacher or parents slap you at your every mistake in front of a crowd then how will you feel?" The Principal and the teacher get taken aback at her unexpected question but it confuses too. They exchange looks and then look at the new curious student waiting for their answer.

Indra thinks for a few seconds at her question before answering and says being careful of his words, "That's absolutely wrong! I'll be upset because they are treating me like that at every mistake I make when actually they should try to teach me instead of always getting angry at me and scolding me in public because it may give me a wrong idea. I'll feel insulted more than learning from it somewhere."

Nishi smiles at him and says, "Now tell me Sir, when you said those words so harshly to my senior who is still a kid for you and is still learning, how he would be feeling right now?"

Mrs. Asthana saw the entire thing as she just came when the Principal was scolding Jay. So, she knows well what Nishi is implying at.

"Beta he is a bully, you don't know him. He bully students everyday and always gives me a headache with his deeds. In fact, every teacher is so done with him." The principal says resting his elbows on the table.

Mrs. Asthana nods agreeing with him, "Sir is right! He is a bully among the students and every student is afraid of him. Instead of complaining for his bullies, they shut their mouths which is absolutely wrong and horrible because now students fear him!"

"How do you know that, Ma'am?" She asks her.

"I'm his Homeroom teacher, that's how." The teacher replies.

Nishi becomes serious and asks politely looking at the duo, "What do you or any other teacher knows about him except the fact that he is a bully? I mean, his weaknesses or plus points?"

Nishi looks at the principal for an answer, he was going to say something but his mind doesn't come up with any valid points as he doesn't know Jay well. Then Nishi looks at Mrs. Asthana who nods in negative feeling embarrassed that even as his Homeroom teacher from last two years she has no idea about him except the fact that he is a bully.

Nishi smiles weakly and asks, "Sir, Mam, with due respect can you please tell me that if a teacher will only see mistakes, weaknesses and bad habits in his or her students then how will the student see anything good in himself?"

Her words make the duo look at her thoughtfully. The words that her mouth made shook them as they make a complete sense. It doesn't take much time for them to realize that as a teacher, they somewhere failed the exam.

The new student says further, "I accept that he must have done things which he shouldn't have done but keep telling someone what's wrong and bad in him is not gonna bring the good in him. Infact, it will only make him angry and will lead him to the wrong sides. It's just like pouring petrol in the already blazing fire. But. . . .keep thinking that he is a bully and keeping him away from the students thinking he might bully them only or will only trouble the other students instead of treating him normally will only add more petrol to his fire like nature right now." They think deeply as she takes a pause looking at them.
She looks at the duo and continues, "Include him with students normally, to prove him that the good is still in him somewhere hiding. Scold him like as if he is your own kid in private but then guide him as a parent which every student somewhere hopes to find in their teachers. Laugh with him at some of his antics so that he doesn't feel like an outsider but as if he is also a normal good student with some flaws of his own like any other student which is normal."

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