The Bubbly Assistant

Start from the beginning

"As you wish...We will cancel you and Hideki's engagement contract and Im proud" -His Grandma


"Im proud you're able to speak up to me... I'll support my Grandson sorry for being a bad Grandmother to you Shoyou"

"I-.... It's fine Im also sorry for my crude behavior, I'm not ready for any relationship because of her"

"I Understand...please stay safe"

"I w-will...See ya Grandma"

~End of Flashback~


"Well you're not alone on being surprised...I never thought she'll say that to me"

"Aww is Sho happy because Granny is proud for standing out for himself?" Mellow teased earning a playful punch in her shoulder by a Flustered Shoyou.

We're not gonna lie...the simps like the view by view I mean a flustered Hinata in the gym being seen it was a scene to picture in their head well except Sugawara who took a picture along with Nishinoya.

"Wait so that means...Shoyou isn't engage anymore?" Nishinoya ask with full of hope.

"Nope! Im free as a feather" Hinata said making the team happy that they had a chance on Hinata now.

"Oh yeah~ its lunch time let's go eat Sho" Mellow said as she pop out the beto she prepared.

Knowing that Hinata likes Mellows cooking she had a talent everything she learned on cooking she did it for Hinata, on the other side Hinata was clearly smiling about Mellow preparing his bento while the simps noted to learn how to cook for Hinata.

"Alright! let's go Mellow!" Hinata without Hesitation grab Mellows hands and bail out the gym making the simps look in shock.

"Ahh... this is normal" Kiyoko said as he grab the water bottles and leaves the gym also.

The Simps we're in utter shock that Hinata himself was the one who held Mellow and drag her out the gym for lunch and this made them feeling inspired by Mellow.

'We reall need to learn how to cook' Said the simps well except for Yamaguchi, Yachi and Asahi who knows how to cook along with Daichi,Kita, Akaashi, Osamu and Shirabu ofcourse.

(By the way, They're not in training camp yet...I have a bad memory when I rarely don't remember some parts on where they are so I apologize for that😞)

"AHHH SHO! YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL NEXT TIME!" Mellow was heard screaming at the hallway when Hinata tripped because he forgot to tie his shoelace.

"Hehe Im sorry?"

"You sound like questioning your apology you know?" Mellow said as she help Hinata up that Hinata Thank her ofcourse.

The two of them were at the third year building in all meanings they were completely lost and need some help.

"Where are we?"

"Mellow you dumbass, we're at the third year building"

"Ah... let's go- OH IT'S ASAHI-SAN!" Mellow yelled making Asahi flinch and slowly look at where he saw Hinata and Mellow holding a grasp on Hinata's arm that was pressing her chest.

"O-oh Mellow and Hinata" Asahi stutter a bit but manage to be straight (Like hell he is)

"Can you help us? We're both kinda lost hehe" Hinata said while scratching his chin.

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