Survival of the Fittest

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Charles woke again, feeling almost as bad as the first time. He moved his arms and saw that the suit was now more fit to his body than when he first put it on. He figured James had adjusted it with all of the buckles and belts on almost every part of it. He tried to speak, but, as James had said, all that was emitted was a sound akin to the bellowing call of a whale. "I realize this may take some getting used to. Remember, there is no way to reverse this process, so the way you are now is the way you are until you die, my friend."

Charles grunted as to show he understood. "Oh, by the way, that K on your hand is for Kappa. As of now you are Subject Kappa in the Alpha Series. It can be your choice of whether you wish us to call you Charles or Kappa." Charles shrugged hoping to communicate that he would respond to either name.

James looked at his watch. "Ah, by now Clarity should have had her change completed as well. All that will be left is for us to have you bonded, which will be rather easy. I wouldn't want to bore you with the details of it, but it, basically, involves us connecting the Adam DNA traces in your blood and her's."

Charles felt like Clarity, as he understood very little of what James had said. He looked around, getting used to the helmet and the bars in the visor of it. He thought to himself that it wasn't as bad as he had first imagined, being a Big Daddy.

He did feel a bit down, seeing as he'd have to adjust to never being able to speak again, but the thought of how easily he could terrify anyone with a deep growl any time he wanted made him laugh on the inside.

"And Charles, don't be surprised if you start experiencing memory loss. It's an effect of how you were modified to be able to handle multiple Plasmids without being harmed. Anyways, let's get going."

James led the way back to the room Clarity was in. Before they arrived at its entrance, Charles tapped James on the shoulder. He was curious about what would happen to his arm if he wanted the drill weapon. James turned to look at Charles, who pointed to his right arm and turned his hand, growling to mimic the sound of the drill's engine.

"Oh, I figured you might ask about that. Well, your arm won't actually be replaced. You see, it is with the Bouncers, but with the Alpha Series the drill is attached to a frame you put over your arm with a handle and trigger inside. You'll have to be careful to keep the drill fueled if you want to use it, though."

Charles held up a thumb, showing his question had been answered. He then pointed to the room, showing they were fine to go in now. James stepped in first, announcing that Charles had been successfully transformed into the new Subject Kappa. The crowd of workers gave a celebratory cheer for about ten seconds, exchanging handshakes and alike. James stepped aside and let the suited-up Charles walk in with slow, heavy steps.

The other scientists nodded in approval. One, who was actually not James this time, spoke. "We've been quite successful with the girl as well, all that will be left will be field testing."

James nodded and gestured for Charles to go to Clarity. Charles did so then turned to James. "Now this 'field test' is gonna involve you trying to protect Clarity from danger while she collects Adam from a few corpses. You both will be tested. She will be tested on how much Adam she gathered and you will be tested on whether you let her get injured or not," James told Charles.

Charles didn't say anything, but he understood. James figured if Charles had any questions that he'd make some sort of indication. James nodded then looked to the other scientists. "Let's get started."

Two scientists led Charles by the shoulder out of the area to an area lined with red tape, the testing zone. Charles looked around, feeling a sense of Deja Vu for some reason unknown to him.

Clarity looked around the area, then at Charles. Charles looked down at the girl who now depended on him as if she were literally his child. "We gotta find the Angels, Daddy. They want to be found," Clarity said, her voice now completely different, and almost demonic in a sense. She held up her hand for him to grasp, which he did. She dragged him around, looking for the nearest overdosed or shot up corpse. She didn't see them that way, though, she saw a ballroom full of happy and chattering people, gold lining the walls and ceiling, none of which was even close to the truth being seen by Charles.

She saw sunlight coming in through the windows, which one might think were made of sliced thin diamond. Contrasting this was the grimy and murky water leaking through the cracks of the glass fitting the same description.

Clarity sniffed at the air, almost like a drug dog. Charles followed behind her out of what felt like instinct. It was almost as if he wasn't even acting of his own free will. Charles figured this must have been the result of the bonding process he remembered James going on about.

As Charles considered this, Clarity stopped in her tracks and gasped. Concerned, Charles raised his right arm (now a weapon), but soon lowered it after realizing that Clarity's gasp was not out of fear, but excitement. "They're this way Daddy!" Clarity shouted enthusiastically. Once again, she began to pull at Charles' still human left hand as he looked around, scouting for potential threats to either her or himself.

Charles had never had a child, nor had he ever cared after another person, yet now he felt as if Clarity was a part of himself. While he thought of this, Clarity stopped in front of him and let go of his hand. He looked down to see that Clarity had found the angel she was searching for.

Flies and gnats swarmed over the entirety of the "angel". Regardless, Clarity leaped and clapped gleefully, remarking "She's beautiful, Daddy! Don't you think so?"

If Charles still had a gag reflex, he would now be fighting it with all his might. The sight was definitely anything but beautiful. Clarity pulled out a large tool that looked like a combination of a pistol and a medical syringe. It was empty for now, but Charles knew that once the child plunged the tool's needle into the corpse that it would fill with the red fluid which almost singlehandedly sent Rapture into a state of chaos.

"Now Kappa, once she sticks that body with her needle, splicers will flock in from all over to attack her. You can't let them get to her. They'll do anything for Adam, and that includes viciously beating a young girl. Don't give them that chance," Charles heard James' voice say through small speakers in the sides of his helmet. He nodded as he contemplated this, observing as Clarity took tiny steps closer and closer to the corpse. Charles glanced around the area, which still gave him a sense of déjà vu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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