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Given the situation, the girl seemed oddly preppy. Most children were constantly wearing a look of total fear and unhappiness in Rapture, but Clarity continued kicking her legs and began humming a song.

"Charles, we mean to do no harm to you or this sweet little darling here, we just want you to help us. If you cooperate everything will be fine, if not, though, I'm afraid we'll have to force you."

Charles wanted to nod but wasn't sure he could agree with the man just yet. Clarity got up from her chair and slowly walked towards Charles. "She hasn't talked since we found her, we're confident that she's not deaf or mute, though. She just needs someone to trust. That's why we need to conduct this little test," the scientist said, still trying to convince Charles to cooperate.

Charles was reluctant. He had heard about what happens when a girl is turned into a Little Sister. He didn't want to think about them putting a slug in the girl's stomach. He figured they couldn't have told her about it, if they did she would have never come with them.

"I... I don't know. I mean, even if I agree, what if I end up not doing a good job of protecting her? I've never protected anyone so-," Charles was stopped by the scientist.

"Charles, I'm sure you have concerns, but our results show that you're quite fit to take care of Clarity. We haven't had you here for fifteen years for nothing. Now, let's get you and Clarity bonded. What do you say?"

Charles honestly didn't know what to say. "What kind of those things would I be turned into? I'm not gonna be one of those big fat ones with six eyes or whatever. And I'd rather not be one that was named after a female. I'm not sexist but still," Charles said, trying not to sound whiny or demanding.

"Oh, don't worry about that, we're going to have you be the most technologically advanced Big Daddy there is yet, an Alpha Series. From what our results show, you shouldn't have any unwanted responses to the change as long as you make sure Clarity stays protected."

Charles stayed still and silent for a minute, before nodding.

"Great, although, there are some things you may want to be aware of before we start," the scientist warned. "Let me hear 'em," Charles said. "Well, you won't be able to speak once you're a Big Daddy. The process involves us severing your vocal cords and putting a small metal spiked piece in their place. The metal piece will emit a sound similar to a whale call whenever you try to speak. Unfortunately, it's the only way you'll be able to interact with her once she's a Little Sister besides physical interaction."

"Wait, if I can't talk that means I won't be able to ask you any questions I may have later," Charles said, worried.

"Don't worry," the scientist held out a portable communication radio. "If you ever need to do something but can't figure out how to do it or what it is, press the button on this radio and we'll help you out."

Charles took the radio. "Okay, I'll do it," he said, looking at the scientist, then Clarity. The scientist nodded, somewhat expecting Charles to agree eventually. "Well, we'll give you some time to get used to her before you make a final decision, we wouldn't want you to regret anything." The scientists all left the room, leaving Charles and Clarity to get acquainted.

The little girl smiled when the scientists left the room. She pulled Charles over by the hand. "Hai mister! I'm Clarity, nice to meet ya!" He wondered why she was so happy. She must have known what was going to happen. She looked up at him. "Mister? Are you ok?" Charles smiled. "Yeah lil one" he said, ruffling her hair. "Don't you know what is going to happen to you though?"

The little girl nodded, smiling. "Yup! But my mummy and daddy said it's for a good cause! I wanna help people mister," she smiled sweetly, innocently. He felt his heart hurt slightly when he realized she knew well what would happen, yet she didn't care. He thought to himself "Why is she so happy?..."

"I wanna help people mister... I made a promise to my mummy that I would help lots of people!" She said, sitting on her little chair kicking her legs again.

Charles guessed that her parents sent her here for this to happen. He wondered why or how someone could do that to their child. "Well, seems a bit strange to me how eager you are to talk now that everyone's gone. Why couldn't you tell any of those men what you're telling me?" he asked.

"I just feel like you'll listen better than those people, all I ever hear them talk about is results and experiments and theories and variables and a whole lot of other stuff I don't understand."

He nodded. "Look, I would like to get to know ya, but I'm not a big fan of the question, answer, question, repeat system," Charles said. Clarity acted like she understood what he meant and replied with a rather adorable "Okay."

"Alright, you guys can come back in," Charles said loud enough for the scientists to all hear. They walked in and the one who had been talking the entire time can back in with a suit that appeared to a deep sea diving suit. "Now, we're going to want you and Clarity to be in separate rooms while you each undergo your changes."

He gestured for Charles to follow him into a room. Charles guessed that Clarity would stay in this room because he did not see any other close areas. "Trust me, Charles, this will not be painful. When we insert the communication device in place of your vocal cords you will be asleep."

Charles wanted to believe the man when he said it wouldn't hurt, but still couldn't quite tell. He was lead to an adjustable table which he could only guess he was supposed to lay down on. "By the way, my name is James Wittacker. Sorry for only now introducing myself, but I was preoccupied with everything we are about to need to do."

Charles spoke nothing back, since James already knew his name, he figured there was no point in introducing. He just looked around what seemed to be a doctor, or even surgeon's office. Charles didn't really fear that anything bad would happen, he just felt like something was off. Not with the doctor, or this place, but with the city. He couldn't tell exactly what was making him feel so anxious. He couldn't even tell really what he was feeling, nervous or anxious.

"Here," James said as he handed Charles the suit of an Alpha Series. On the left hand he saw the letter K, which stood for Kappa. "You're going to need to take your clothes off to fit into it easily. All except for you underwear, you can leave those on if you choose. If you want me to I can step out while you do so."

Charles politely gestured for James to leave and began to undress down to his underpants. He then put his legs in the suit one at a time and moved his arms into the sleeves and gloves the same. He admittedly felt a little odd in the suit, but he wasn't going to change his mind now.

"I'm done," Charles said. James came back into the room. "Alright, now I will ask you to lie down on this table."

Charles did so as James angled the table upwards and flipped a switch on a machine, then proceeded to put a mask over Charles' mouth and nose, which exerted gas for him to breathe in. He did so and began to feel drowzy. This feeling was rather familiar, and as his eyelids slowly started getting heavier and heavier, he started to hear less of the doctor's voice and began to hear the voice of his parents.

BioShock 2: Heaven's Blind Spot (DEMO DRAFT FROM 2015 - 2018)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum