
849 19 1

(1225 Sicily, Italy)

It was rare that Alessandra ever got time to herself, with her parents always breathing down her neck, but luckily enough the 17-year-old was able to sneak away from their insufferableness.

It was nearing midnight as she strolled through the deserted streets, which she had grown accustomed to, as her nighttime getaways became more frequent.

Being the youngest out of 4, her family could be quite protective and overbearing. It was the only time she could get away, and leave it behind even if it was only for a while.

Alessandra couldn't help but smile, as the stars danced in the midnight sky. It was moments like this that she enjoyed the most, the simplicity of it, how time could become non-existent and you would look around and be aware of how beautiful the world looked.

She never noticed the figure nearing closer as she stood deep in thought. She was suddenly dragged into a dark alleyway where she is backed up against a wall.

His chocolate-brown eyes gaze at her, and a smirk appears on his lips. "Kol..."Alessandra breathed out as her lips curled into a smile.

"Hello darling, looking as beautiful as ever" Kol spoke playfully, moving his hand up to her cheek, caressing it gently.

She looked at the vampire lovingly, interlocking her petite hand within his. "I was wondering when you would make an appearance" she chuckled.

It had become a regular occurrence, the pair meeting once the sun fell and the moon rose. Spending time with each other for hours on end. Some nights they would walk along the beach, some nights they would just explore the streets, and others they would spend hours talking about everything and anything.

They made their way through the dimly lit streets as the gentle breeze brushed through the couple's hair making it messier than before.

After a short walk, they arrived at a spot that overlooked the ocean. The sound of waves crashing against the ocean shore.

"Did you consider my offer? I understand it's not something to be taken lightly" Kol asked nervously, fiddling with her fingers before looking into her forest-green eyes.

"It's been on my mind ever since you told me you were a vampire, Kol." She admitted, not daring to look into his chocolate brown eyes. The topic had been playing on her mind like a broken record. The idea of immortality and never-ending youth was an appealing offer as well as the strength and speed that came along with it, but the other aspects that came along with were not so much. But the pros outweighed the cons, and an eternity with the love of her life- Kol Mikaelson is the life she wished for.

He stared down at the young girl in anticipation of her answer. It was unusual for the Mikaelson boy to even bat an eyelid towards a human, but she was different, in more ways than one. Her beauty is what had drawn him in, but it was the love in her heart that kept him there.

"There is nothing I wish more than to be with you for an eternity. but I want to live at least another year as a human before separating from my family."

He nods understandingly, cupping her cheek making their eyes meet, "I shall wait as long you need my darling" he comments, his gaze moving towards her lips and lingering there before looking back towards her eyes for confirmation. Her lips curled and a giggle escaped before pressing her lips on his.


Ales sighed thinking back to that time of her life when everything seemed so simple, tears began falling down her cheeks as her grip tightened around the steering wheel. Wiping away her tears she put on her brave and emotionless facade as she drove past the sign, knowingly heading straight towards the small town where all the drama unfolded.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 ||  Kol MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now