Chapter 1

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"Hello my dear are we still up for counseling at the church premises by 4pm? " asked Echeta on what's app to his bride to be Heaven
"Oh yes we are love why do you ask?still busy at work yeah?"
"not really" replied Echeta "just wanted to be sure of the time to pick you up from work.I haven't had anything to eat today and was thinking we should grab lunch on our way but it's got to be on time,you know how i hate to be late for appointments"
"Sure i do or i wouldn't be ready to to walk down the aisle for you ha! Can't believe we are finally doing this but it's all good" Heaven replies
"Yeah about that, i kind of still feel weird about it all like knowing i have never been with a woman all my life cause of how i feel about premarital sex and now am about to be a husband of one wife for life till death do us part it's a scary commitment but one am willing to embark on like i said before weird,but in a good way you understand? "  Echeta writes
" Trust me when i say i do i trust God to see us through as we will definitely cross that bridge" Heaven replies

"Have you ever had a commitment that made you this scared before?" Heaven asks

" Yeah but it was one that set me on a right path for life" Echeta replied

" sure you're talking of your commitment to Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour" says Heaven.

"You know me so well dear mmm" exclaimed Echeta

"Like the back of my hands love,not to worry i got you"  laughed Heaven

"Thanks for making love easy" writes Echeta

"Anytime bro!Let's talk more later when we meet" Heaven replies

" i will be there at 2pm so we could have enough time to eat before heading out for counseling at church" Echeta writes

"Sounds like a plan.I love you" writes Heaven

"Love you more" Echeta replies.

         Minutes later Heaven knocks on her bosses door who happens to be her father.
"Come in" replied a voice in  the office

"Good afternoon sir i will like to remind you that my marriage counseling starts today and i will leave the office at 2pm if that would be okay?"

"Oh it's today?" He asks

"yes sir" she replies

"Alright" says Mr Okafor a business mogul who being a loving father and a husband does not mix  business with pleasure which was why Heaven despite being his daughter relates in a very formal way with him in the office.At home we're family and i'm your dad, but in the office it's a different ball rolling, i am your boss he will always say. He has been in the commodity market for years. When you talk of exporting a whole lot of farm products Ginger, Cocoa, Zobo (Hibiscus flowers in Nigeria is called zobo) Mr Okafor is the right person for the job.He and his wife has done a good job raising four kids,two boys and two girls of which Heaven is the very first fruit of the mother's womb.  Dubem, Ezenwa and Obianauju are Heaven's siblings. Heaven's native name is Adaeze but has gotten use to being addressed by her English name, i guess our colonial masters got us there. I often wondered if any English person had an African name you know...just saying heaven's Mother will always tease. An African  by birth and nature (i.e character).

         Heaven being sure to be done with the work for the day cleared her desk and got ready for her outing with her hubby to be.

It wasn't long and Echeta was outside honking his vehicle horn, a signal to Heaven that he's here. She quickly gathered her things and heads down stairs.
"Hey you" she greeted "how are you?"

"I'm good" replied Echeta planting a peck on her cheek

"good to see you sweetness" he says

"same here" my sweetie.

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