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Looks Kill

Javen's POV

"It's hot as hell outside and it's really to hot to be pregnant

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"It's hot as hell outside and it's really to hot to be pregnant." I said whining to myself.

I'm now three months and it's been a smooth luh run with old girl in my stomach.

I haven't been to my shop ever since the day of the shooting that happened.and that's been a few years ago.

So I drove a few hours to Atlanta just to see how my shop was doing and what was up with it.

As I walked in the cool breeze inside hit me making me feel so good and relieved. I was happy everything was just how I had left it the last day I was here.

A few spider webs but that was something I could get rid of quick. I walked into the back of the shop to get a broom until I heard the shop phone ring.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

I didn't even know mother fuckers still called up here it's been some years.

"Yes I was calling because I just moved down here from New Jersey and I was looking for a nail salon down here in Atlanta and I seen your shop name pop up....I wanted to know if I could get my daughter's nails done and mines today if you guys aren't busy?" Some soft female voice spoke through the phone.

"But if you guys aren't open then- you can come right now I'll be waiting for you guys since we just opened." I said smiling.

Damn I'm finally finna have my first client in some years...I hope my ass still know how to do nails because I don't even do my own no more I got my own nail tech that comes to the house.

I know I can do the little girls nails good though because I be at home doing Jae'Lah and Kenai's when I be bored or when they ask me to.

After sweeping and getting my station ready I heard the shop door open.

I seen the women who called me on the phone and her daughter. She looked like she was around Jae'Lah and Kenai's age.

"If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" I asked the little girl smiling while I clipped her nails.

"Say I'm 6 and my names Kamiya." Her mama said as I smiled and nodded my head.

"So what made you guys move down here?" I asked her mother while I painted Kamiya's nails.

I was trying to make conversation because I didn't want it to be awkward or nothing.

"Well recently I've been job hunting because my last job was shut down because of a failed inspection they had. So I moved out here with my daughter to seek better jobs opportunities out here in Atlanta." Her mother spoke.

"But now I'm thinking about moving us back to my hometown Memphis." Her mother said smiling.

"I was born in Ohio but Memphis is like my birth home so I understand how you feel." I said to her.

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