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"Take me to the king." Was blasting loud on the
speaker through out the house as I was walking through the hallway going to the girls room.

Today I decided that me and the girls should go to church.

I haven't been in years and I was finally getting back into the spirit of going every other Sunday.

Key wasn't home right now because he was in Houston for a  birthday he was paid to preform a few songs at.

So he won't be home until tonight.

I walked into Jae'Lah and Kenai's room to see they had there beds made up nice and neat.

"They stay keeping this damn lamp on."I said to myself as I turned it off walking out there room closing the door.

"What y'all want for breakfast?" I asked them as I walked down stairs.

They was watching Sofia the first on Disney channel.

"Bacon and grits!" Kenai shouted.

"EGGS!" Jae'Lah shouted hanging over the couch.

"Okay and Jae'Lah get down for you fall girl."I said washing my hands in the sink getting ready to make them breakfast before we left.

"Hmm and don't make a mess and get y'all clothes dirty."I sat Jae'Lah and Kenai's plates on the table.

I felt my stomach get weak as I was putting me some bacon on my plate so ran into the guest bathroom and threw up.

"I ain't eating no bacon for a long time." I wiped my mouth.

"Where y'all mama at?"I heard key say as I came out the bathroom rubbing my stomach.

"Here she is!" Kenai said handing me my phone.

"Go finish eating baby." I grabbed the phone from Kenai walking into the living room.

"Why you look sick?" Key asked me.

Well hello to you to nigga.

"I think I am...I just felt my stomach get weak and had to throw up in the bathroom." I leaned back on the couch.

"When I get back tonight we can go to the doctor tomorrow."He said as I nodded my head.

"Y'all must be getting ready to go to church because I see you put on your wig that's connected to yo hat." He said making me laugh.

"Shut up I didn't feel like doing nothing with my hair today." I said to him smiling at the camera.

"You look good."He said to me as he was laying on a pillow hiding half his face.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Mommy we done."Kenai and Jae'Lah said out loud.

"Okay here I come." I shouted back.

"I love y'all see y'all tonight." Key said.

"We love you to now give me a kiss." I said kissing the phone.

"Man stop all that gay shi-stuff." Key said changing his words around.

"Yeah you forgot today Sunday." I pointed.

After getting off the phone with Key I slipped my black Ugg slides on and grabbed my car keys.

Today I felt like taking the black maybach since thats the only car that wasn't so far away from the front of the house.

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