Chapter 21

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                         A mysterious cottage

*Draco arrived at the Malfoy Manor*
Narcissa: Draco? What are you doing here?
*Draco just walked straight to find his dad, he went upstairs, downstairs but be couldn't find him*
Narcissa: Draco, what are you looking for?
Draco: Where is dad?!
Narcissa: He hasn't arrived yet

*At that moment, Lucius appeared at the door*
Draco: You!
*He walked towards his father holding the wand pointed at him*
Draco: You! How dare you do that to me?
Lucius: She's not worth to be a part of our family
Draco: Enough! She is the girl that i love, and you tried to separate us!
Draco: I'll never forget you for this! From today, you not my father anymore.
Y/n: Draco!
Draco: What are you doing here?
Y/n: I followed you
Draco: Why? I told you i'm gonna fix this
Y/n: Draco i-

*Lucius suddenly appeared behind y/n and pressed a wand against her neck*
Lucius: She ruined our family... now i'm going to ruin her life!
*Lucius disappeared with y/n in front of Draco*
Draco: Nooo! Y/n!!
Draco: Mum! Mum, do you know where dad might go?
Narcissa: Draco what happend?
Draco: Dad took y/n somewhere and i don't know how to find her or where to find her. Pls help me!
Narcissa: What did he do?!
Draco: Are you on my side or his?
Narcissa: He kidnappend an innocent girl! Of course i'm on your side, we're gonna get her back!
Draco: Do you know where he might go?
Narcissa: I'm not sure, but there is one place where he might has gone.
Narcissa: He owns a small cottage in the woods, we used to go there a long time ago when we dated. But for 20 years no one has been going there and I don't know how it's holding up now.
Draco: Take me there!
*Narcissa and Draco headed to the woods to find you.

Our dirty little secretTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon