Chapter 5

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Y/n: Draco, which lessons do you have today?
Draco: Potions, transfiguration and charms, you?
Y/n: I have potions, D.A.D.A, and history of magic
Draco: We have only one lesson same, i'm gonna miss you for other two...
Y/n: Draco you'll see me the whole day after that!
Draco: I know, but i can't last even 5 mins without you!
Y/n: Draco don't be silly! And let's go to our only lesson together before we're late
*you arrived to potions*
Your pov: I CAN'T BELIVE THAT B!TCH IS ACTUALLY HERE! I' gonna kill her if she tries to get close to my man!
Y/n: Draco, look who's here *you pointed finger at Astoria*
Draco: Just ignore her
Y/n: Ok! *you and Draco sit together as far as you can from her*
Snape: Today we are going to learn about polyjuice potion. Does anyone knows what is polyjuice potion?
Y/n: I know!
Snape: Tell us miss y/l/n
Y/n: Polyjuice potion makes you look like someone else.
Snape: That's correct! 7 points to slytherin for that anwser!
*Draco kissed you on your forehead*
Pansy: Thank you y/n, you always know everything!
Y/n: Guys did you plan something after the lessons?
Blaise: Umm, no. You?
Draco: Y/n and I wanted to go on a picnic together, so maybe you want to join us?
Y/n: It would be like "double date"!
Pansy: But Blaise and I are just friends!
Blaise: Yes, we're not dating
Y/n: hmm, maybe this picnic will change something.


(Sorry guys, this chapter is very short but i'll try to write a new one longer)

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