Chapter 14

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Back to school

Draco: y/n, i was thinking, and i think that we should go back to Hogwarts
Y/n: yes i think its time but idk what would our friends say when we tell them i'm pregnant
Draco: yeah me too haha
Y/n; i'll start packing us!
Draco: okay
*you are packing*
Narcissa: What are you doing? *she came into the room*
Y/n: we thought maybe its time to go back to hogwarts
Narcissa: oh, okay you're right but be careful there, for baby
Y/n: okay
*You are ready to go. On hogwarts express*
Draco: y/n look, the train's arrived!
Y/n: finally come on!
*you came in*
Draco: How are we gonna tell them?
Y/n: i don't know
Draco: i love you
Y/n: i love you too
*after 2 hours*
*you arrived*
Pansy: Blaise, look! They are back!
Blaise: who?
*he turned around*
Blaise: Draco and y/n!
Pansy: y/n!
Blaise: Draco!
Y/n: hi guys!
Pansy: we've missed you so much!
Draco: we have something to tell you
Y/n: something happend since we were there
Pansy and Balise: what happend?
Draco: y/n is pregnant
Y/n: we're having baby girl
Pansy: what?!
Blaise: woahh!
Y/n: yes...
Pansy: congratulations! I guess
Draco and y/n: thank you!
Pansy: come on in!
*you came into the castle and you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione*
Hermione: y/n!
*she ran to you and hugged you*
Y/n: hi Mione!
Ron: Welcome back!
Harry: hi y/n!
Draco: yes y/n and i decided to come back
Y/n: and since we left some things have changed
Pansy: tell them!
Y/n: i am pregnant!
Hermione: what?! Omg!!
Harry: y/n?! What?
Ron: bloody hell! Congratulations!
Y/n: thank you!
Hermione: and who's dad may i ask?
Draco: i am
Hermione: oh my god-
Draco: our baby is girl
Ron: awwe
Hermione: are you gonna tell proffessor Dumbledore?
Y/n: yes, we're on the way to tell him
Hermione: okay, good luck! Hah bye!
*you went to Dumbledore to tell him*
Y/n: Proff. Dumbledore!
Dumbledore: y/n, Draco welcome back!
Draco: thank you, proffesor we need to tell you something!
Y/n: Draco please you tell him
Draco: okay, y/n is- is pregnant...
Dumbledore: oh... how?
Draco: we had an accident...
Dumbledore: ..... so you're dad? Okay we will try to provide you with all the conditions for that
Y/n: thank you so much proffessor!
*You went to your room and unpacked*
Y/n: 9 months...
Draco: what 9 months?
Y/n: 9 months and we'll be parents
Draco: yes, i am very happy to start a family with you!
Y/n: i love you Draco so much!
Draco: our girl is gonna be the most beautiful girl on this planet like her mum!
Y/n: Dracoo.. thank you!
*Draco kissed you*
*its late and you go to sleep*
Y/n: baby its late, i'm gonna go to bed!
Draco: okay i'm coming to just to brush my teeth
Draco: i'm here!
Y/n: Draco..
Y/n: I'm so happy that i have you by my side. I found a person who loves me, with whom i'll have a family and who i love!
Draco: me too y/n! I'm so grateful!
*you fall asleep*
Draco: Y/n! Y/n!
*he was saying in his dream*
Y/n: shhh baby, i'm here, i'm here!
Draco: i had a really terrible nightmare!
Y/n: what was it?
Draco: it was something here in castle, something dark and it just took you from me! And i couldn't find you anywhere.
Y/n: oh baby its just a bad dream! Relax and keep sleeping, you need to rest for tomorrow, you have a quidich game
Draco: okay! *he took your hand, then he fall asleep*
*next morning*
Y/n: good morning baby!
Draco: good morning!
*you went to the toilet to wash your teeth*
Pansy: Y/n! Y/n!
Y/n: pansy? Yes?
Draco: oh and good morning to you
Pansy: I have something to tell you y/n!
Y/n: what
Pansy: Blaise has just asked me to be his girlfriend!
Y/n: What!? Omg! And what did you say?
Pansy: i said yes!
Y/n: omg i'm so happy for you!
Pansy: thank you y/n!
*later on lessons*
Mcgonagall: Good morning students, next week will be held a Yule Ball! You need to find a partner.
Draco: ughh dance
Blaise: stupid, isn't it?
*Boys didn't like news about the Ball but on the other side girl were happy and exited about it*
Y/n: I'm so excited!
Pansy: me too
Y/n: This is going to be my first Ball! I hope Draco will ask me to go with him
Pansy: And i hope Blaise will ask me
Y/n: What are we going to wear?
Pansy: I have some ideas!
*after the lesson*
Pansy: Come on! We have to find dresses!
Y/n: Okay!
*Pansy gave you some dresses to try them on*
*You tried on a black one*
Pansy: nah
Pansy: try another!
Y/n: okay
*You tried another one*
Pansy: its really pretty but i don't think Draco would like a red dress
Y/n: yeah, i'll try another
Pansy: wooow, y/n, you look amazing in this dress
Y/n: thanks i think its the best one
Y/n: Now let me see which one did you pick
Pansy: this one
Y/n: Wow, its really pretty, Blaise will like it
Pansy: Really?
Y/n: Yes
Blaise and Draco: Girls!
Pansy: omg hide dresses!
*you grabbed dresses and put them in the closet*
Draco: what are you doing?
Y/n: We were picking dresses for the Yule Ball
Draco: I wanted to ask you, if you would go to Yule Ball with me!
Y/n: I would love to!
Blaise: Pansy, can you come here for a sec?
Pansy: yes
Blaise: Would you like to go to Yule Ball with me?
Pansy: Yes!

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