Chapter one:

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Describing that moment when you're placing the last of your belongings into a box, ready to start your higher education, I had a mixture of feelings: nostalgia, uncertainty, fear, optimism, and gratitude.

Yes, this could be considered the start of my adult life, actually being the cherry on top of truly growing up but then there was the fact that I was leaving my childhood home, full of my memories. It wasn't as if I would even be moving back home either, by that point, my dad and mom, Brenda will have moved into something much smaller and I'd have my own place.

"Need a hand?"

The voice of my older sister, Taylor fills my ears and she strolls in, instantly wrapping an arm around me. Taylor was my best friend, her and my boyfriend Brad along with our step brother Carson were pretty much my only friends but I didn't need anyone else.

"Just finished up, now all we need to do is shove them in the car"

I wriggle my eyebrows and she chuckles at my antics before pushing me away. We talk some more before a throat clears and we turn around to see Brenda.

"Hey lovely ladies, your dad told me to tell you that breakfast is ready"

She smiles at us. I follow Taylor out the room and before I can leave, Brenda lightly grabs my arm.

"How are you feeling?"

She whispers and I sigh, my stomach tightening.

"Scared. I just don't really know what to except"

Why I was so scared I don't know. I was only two hours away from here, choosing to go to Boston university to study psychology to help my career in becoming a marriage counsellor, in hopes that married couples can at least try and work out their problems before considering divorce, something that definitely wouldn't have happened with my mom and dad, as my mom is a borderline maliciously evil woman who left 5 years ago, who I'd seen a mere handful of times.

As I walk down the stairs to the smell of bacon and pancakes, I feel two hands touch my shoulders and in shock, I turn around to see my brother, Carson smirking at me.

"You scared the crap out of me? What the hell?"

I smack at his jacket and he sneers at me.

"Calm down sissy, just preparing you for the constant feeling from when you're in college"

He wriggles his eyebrows as we sit down, Brenda scolding him for panicking me.

"Foods on the way!"

Dad yells, handing me a plate first, followed by the others, and handing Brenda her bowl of delicious fruit and cream.

"Hey dad, these taste like aunt Jemimas"

Taylor asks, confusion clear on her face as she sniffs the pancake. Dad rolls his eyes and puts down his knife and fork.

"If you're going to shit on my cooking, feel free to go to your own home and have your own husband cook for you"

He warns her and me And Carson burst in laughter, high-fiving at the brutal comment my father made.

"Ha Ha! Very funny but you know, Patrick is stationed in Hawaii right now"

She reminds us. Taylor married her childhood sweetheart, Patrick two years ago after 10 years together, he was away with the marines a lot but I'd known him for so long, and the family liked him but I secretly knew it got to her, him not being here all the time.

As we continue eating our food, with Carson and Taylor getting into a debate about the families favourite movie franchise. Harry Potter, the door bell rings and I turn my head, soon realising no one else seemed fussed by it.

"Is no one going to get that?"

I ask, sipping at my apple juice.

Carson shakes his head, as does Taylor, Brenda and dad.

"I guess I am, then"

I speak sarcastically as I stand up, humming a tune as I walk to the front door where the figure of my boyfriend, Brad stood, holding a single white rose, my favourite type.

I squeal with glee, as I wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzling into it as his free hand grips my waist. While we were both living in , River-valley, Massachusetts and both at first, wanted to go to Boston together, Brad decided New York was his calling, to study film directing.

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't come and see me off?"

I ask, my eyes starting to glisten but I quickly wipe it away.

"Aunt Peggy can wait. I . Care. About. You"

He leans in a for a kiss, which I gladly accept until the loud and dramatic sick noises are heard from behind us.

"Gross! I've just ate my breakfast"

Carson yells and Brenda tuts, lightly hitting him while my dad jokingly glares at Brad.

" that you two have sucked face, why don't we grab her stuff and shove it in the car and get on the road"

Taylor suggests and the rest of the house agree, with them all of us trudging up the stairs.

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