He had his usual smug smile on his face as he dragged his heels over to me.

"Uhhh... you!"

I turned my head to see some arrogant looking middle aged woman glaring at me over her cat eye glasses. "You're hair and make up, right?"

"Uhhh yeah?" I said as Vince stood next to me, frowning at this chick.

"Well don't just stand there! I've got Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons waiting to get ready and our make up artist has just quit!" She snapped as she clicked her fingers at me.

What... A... Bitch...

"Sorry I'm only getting paid for Mötley Crüe" I shrugged.

"Ugh, Please! Money isn't a problem..." she groaned.

I glanced over at Nikki, almost asking him what I should do and he walked over.

"What's going on?" He snapped as Tommy followed him.

"I need to borrow your make up artist" she said sternly as she looked him up and down.

"Well she's busy" he shrugged.

I didn't want to deal with the confrontation. "It's okay, I can have Vince ready in 5" I said.

"5 minutes!?" She cackled. "Oh, no, sorry... we need to get them ready now" she said in a patronising tone.

"Hey! She's just said 5 minutes, lady! You either wait or you don't get my wife's help at all! Don't try and rush her when she's doing you the favour, she's fucking pregnant!" Tommy snapped.

She glared at Tommy, looked back at me, down at my bump and huffed. "Fine! 5 minutes" she said as she spun on her heels and stormed off.

We all stood there, completely speechless as she walked off. I let out a deep sigh and started rushing to find everything I needed.

"What a dick!" Mick grunted as he took another sip from his vodka bottle.

"You alright, V?" Sharise asked.

I nodded my head, simply because I didn't have the time to look up and talk. Vince was the forefront of this band, he was the one that was meant to draw girls in so I needed him to look his best. He was still completely hungover from last night so I had no fucking idea where to start or how I was going to get him ready in 5 minutes.

I quickly started applying some concealer to the dark circles under his eyes and I was going to leave it to for a couple of minutes to warm up to his skin. I started brushing out the knots in his hair when Tommy came over.

"Are you okay?" he said as he pulled at my arm and linked his fingers with mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sighed as I pulled my hand away and started to style Vince's hair.

"Vanessa!?" He snapped, keeping his voice low.

"I said I'm fine, Tommy!" I snapped.

I could see Tommy's face turn, the same kinda way he does when he's in a strop, and he stormed off. I instantly felt guilty and I didn't mean to snap at him, I was just stressed and focused.

"Great" I muttered to myself.

"Don't worry about him, he'll get over it" Vince said as he tapped my hand that was resting on his shoulder.

I gave him a little smile and looked back to find Tommy but he'd gone. I knew he needed some time to have a cigarette and cool off so I immediately started to work on Vince and I managed to get him looking as bedazzling as ever. Once I was done, I went to find this lady so she could point me in the right direction.

Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now