Reading thirst tweets

Start from the beginning

"Bitch" Mackie clarified. 

"I second that" You added, smirking at him. 

"Yeah, right. That-That's... Kind" he said, pulling back the small smile. 

"Aight' Mac you up again" You placed the jar in your lap. 

"Anthony Mackie's ass is the REAL America's ass" He read. 

"I concur" Seb looked at him and back at the camera, avoiding your glare. 

"Thank you. I-I-I have worked-"

"Chris Evan's ain't got nothing" You interrupted 

"No, no, no no" He shook his head. " I worked a lot to-to keep the bountiful nature of the round brown." As Mackie spoke to the camera, Seb another sip of his sparkling water. You leaned back to him, "Babe, I am hungry" You whispered leaning on his shoulder as he slid his right hand behind you, holding you closer to him and rubbing your shoulder. 

"I told you to get something when we were at Starbucks."

"Ahem!" Mackie coughed, startling you two. You sat upright and let Seb take another tweet out of the cup. 

"LISTEN WHEN ANTHONY MACKIE SAID "THOSE STELL BLUE EYES LET YOU KNOW WHERE HOME IS, IT'S MY SAFE PLACE" ABOUT SEBASTIAN'S EYES, BITCH I FELT THAT." Seb laughed as read through, while you and Mackie practically rolled off your chairs. "Thank you, very kind"

 "How do you feel 'bout that?" Anthony asked, making Seb turn to face him. "Don't look at man, don't look at me in the eyes. Look at her when your answering."

"What? Why me?" You commented, already blushing. "Don't look at me, look over here" You brought your hand, guiding his looks to your dainty, boney hands. 

"Give 'em the MONEY!" Anthony added, making him blush even more. 

"No, no, I feel, I feel good" He scrunched his nose, smiling. 

"Fun fact" Anthony pointed out, "That was actually from y/n, I just stole it from her."

"Mackie!" You slap his shoulder, growing red. 

"What?" He shrugged, smirking to see both his friends heavily blushing. 

"All right, moving on" Seb stopped you two before the interview took a turn. 

You picked up another tweet from the jar. "y/n are you single, cause like I want, no I need your hand in MARRIAGE!!!" You read out loud. You looked at the tweet for a second, before looking up at the camera, trying to keep a straight face before answering "I am actually not." You looked between Mackie and Seb, seeing Seb hiding his blush while Anthony keeps that sly smirk on his face. "I am currently in a relation, but if that doesn't work out, I will be sure to reach out to you tho." You smiled putting the tweet away, seeing the slight change of color on Seb's face, proud of yourself for being able to have such an effect on him. 

"Thinking about Anthony Mackie taking a nap on Sebastian Stan's couch don't bother me" Anthony read out his tweet. "You have a nice couch!" Mackie sat back, looking at Seb. 

"You have put this on the internet" Seb tried to interrupt. 

"You have a nice couch homie!" You added, playing along with the ongoing joke. 

"and you've never seen it" Seb shook his head. 

"You know what's the best thing in your house," Anthony said loud. 

"You guys have never been to my house." Seb looked at you, those deviously blue eyes drinking in your features. 

"It's the best thing in your house" You grinned.

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