Someting Unexpected Chapter 1 Prim and Proper Meets Danger

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Chapter 1: Prim and Proper Meets Danger

"It looks good on you I promise." Gabby raved from the couch outside of the dressing rooms. I looked down at the dress she'd picked for me for Homecoming. It was a teal strapless dress. It had a silver belt under the bust, and it flowed outward from there. It went to about 3 inches above my knees. It really did look good, I guess. I just don't really want to be here. I don't even have a date to Homecoming. I hate social events, I'm a wall flower, what can I say? I've always been the girl to sit in the back of the classroom, hidden from the spotlight, a behind the scenes kind of girl. Someone who took the pictures instead of being in them. That's how it has been for a long time. I just want it to stay that way.

"Gab, I really don't want to do this. You know I hate dances."

"Quit complaining and live a little."

"This doesn't even look good on me. I'm getting fat." I lied, well partially; I really have gained a little weight. I just wanted to get out of this whole situation. I wanted the comfort of the soothing sound of a treadmill, followed by a nice long movie on my soft couch. Maybe I could listen to some music, until I drift into a peaceful sleep... ALONE.

"It looks g-"

"I think it looks great on you." A deep male voice interrupted Gabby's attempt to persuade me. I turned to give an aggravated look to our no mannered stranger. But my mouth froze mid-scowl, and my eyes glazed over, and then froze there. The human being standing before us looked like he dropped from another planet. A planet where all the Gods and Goddesses gather to beam their beauty upon us. Oh right, that's not a planet, that's heaven. I stared at this angel before me. His short, fluffed, and probably extremely soft, light brown hair, made me want to run my hands through it. He had eyes that melted me inside and out. They looked like a piece of smooth, milky chocolate, with golden flakes. They enveloped me like a bean bag chair. Even more so than his perfect lips, which were full, and bright pink. His jaw was perfectly set, and his features were extremely symmetric. He was perfect. There was no other word to describe it. At that moment, I suddenly felt like the world had disappeared around me. This tall, tan, and very muscular man in front of me was all I could see in the middle of one of the busiest stores in the mall. I forgot how to talk. I forgot how to breathe. It wasn't until I was snapped out of it, by the sudden arch of his eyebrows, that I spoke again.

"Uhm, uh, thanks." I blushed at the fact that I'd just stared at him without blinking, or saying a word for a good 45 seconds. Gabby still hadn't snapped out of it over in her little corner. She was sitting there with her jaw to the floor and her eyes fixed on the sexy stranger.

"So are you going to buy it?"

I forced myself to remember how he'd rudely interrupted us, and how he was being nosey now. Who cares if he's gorgeous, he's being a jerk.

"That's really none of your business." I stated. His eyebrows raised even higher, taken off guard that I was standing up to him.

"I was just wondering. I mean there are what 20? 30? Hot girls in this store right now, and the only one I want to talk to is you. Someone as beautiful as you deserves a dress as beautiful as that."

I pushed away the compliment like I always do, "Well thanks, but really I think it's going to be a no. First of all this dress is extremely pricey. I also don't want fashion advice from the stranger who interrupted my friend and is now being very nosey. Even if I do look great in it, I have no one to impress. I'm going stag to Homecoming, which is the icing to my humiliation, and now I have some crazy guy, whom I don't even know trying to get me to accept his fake compliment and spend my last dime on this dress."

"My compliments are never fake, I don't tell a girl she's beautiful and not mean it," we were suddenly closer together than we were a moment ago, "Also, going to Homecoming stag is never a bad thing. That's exactly what I'm doing considering the fact that I just moved here. And trust me babe that dress would be worth your last dime."

My lips curled back as I thought of my response, "Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'm just going to skip this year." And with that I walked back into the dressing room, past the still frozen Gabby, and changed out of the dress. I walked out shouldering my way around him. I shoved the dress against his chest. I walked out of the store without another word.

"Rosalie wait!" Gabby called running out after me.

"Rosalie huh," The stranger shouted from the store causing people to stare, "That's a pretty name. I'm Gerard by the way. We can hook up later like you asked. See you then sweetheart." I blushed furiously. I hated being the center of attention, but now everyone was staring at me. I stormed off, making my way to the exit of the mall. I started praying that I never had to see that low life ever again.

I hated the way he smirked at me. How he wore his 'I'm a badass' combat boots with the flap pulled down. His loose jeans, tight t-shirt, and leather jacket that showed off his amazing muscle tone. Stop it Rose, stop it now. He is not a good guy. He is like a walking warning label. You do not need to get involved with someone like him. But I couldn't help but think about him. All the way out of the mall, to my car, and on the drive home. All my mind could think about was him. Gabby went on and on about some drama at school. But I didn't hear a word she said. I was too busy fantasizing about kissing those big full lips, and staring into his light brown eyes. Then I mentally slapped myself for those thoughts, and remembered my aggravation with him.

I wouldn't let some 'Gerard' get in my way of a life of success. I had my whole future planned out. I was a strict to the point kind of person. I wasn't going to let anyone pass through like a tornado and blow my whole life away. I wasn't a free spirit; I was a girl with her mind set. No one, and I mean no one, would change that.

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